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PoV. Jimin

Nervously, I keep looking at myself in the mirror, tugging at my hair here and there, making sure I look good. I keep glancing at my wristwatch, which tells me that I have about twenty minutes before Yoongi and I meet up at the café.

Many thoughts run through my head as I look in the mirror one last time and leave the bathroom. I quickly put on my black shoes, I don't need a jacket because it's still reasonably warm outside, and leave the apartment, which I share with Taehyung. "Good luck!" Taehyung calls after me and smiling, I nod as the door is already closed behind me and he wouldn't hear my answer. Immediately, I take a deep breath as the air just smells pleasantly like summer rain and I'm already on my way to the café where we're about to meet.

For days I had been thinking about how to face Yoongi. I often imagined a scenario, which became crazier and crazier each time. Either there was a fight or I imagined that he would not come at all. Which, to be honest, scared me a little bit. I also thought about what I should say, so that it does not end in an embarrassing silence. It's been a long time since we last saw each other and it didn't end very positively.

Besides, a few years have passed since then and we have both changed. We have grown older, more mature and have developed different interests. We probably no longer have anything in common and nothing that still connects us. I don't know if we will ever get back to the level of friendship where we once were. I wish it very much...but he just hurt me too much. Still...doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?

I sigh softly and can see the café from afar, which looks really cute from the outside. It is a rather small café, not really known. It's rather away from the city center and perfect for a meeting, because Yoongi can eat there without worries. He is so famous, he has many fans and therefore less privacy. And that's why this small cafe is perfect.

When I now stand in front of the café, I recognize a small sign on the door, on which "welcome" is written. Smiling, I put my hand on the door frame and open the door. Then I step inside and directly the smell of pastries and cocoa comes towards me.

Oh how I love this mixture.

The café consists of the colors pink and white, which gives a sweet overall picture. In the corners are larger potted plants, on the tables vases with a rose in it and beautiful paintings, which are attached to the walls, giving the cafe a cozy atmosphere. On the chairs are small pink and white seat cushions which makes sitting just more better.

Ok. One thing is clear ....this is now my absolute favourite café!

After looking at the café, I look around for a certain man, who should be waiting for me somewhere here. Then my gaze stops on a man who is dressed completely in black. From the black cap to the black shoes, I can't spot a single other color on him, except for the blond hair that peeks out slightly.

Is that Yoongi?

After looking at him for some minutes he looks up straight into my eyes. My eyes widen and I have the urge to hide but then the man begins to smile and he waves to me.

Okay I think this is Yoongi.

I walk slowly toward him as my heartbeat quickens and my nervousness increases. He smiles gently at me as I stop right in front of his table and points with his hand to the chair across from him. "Hey. You can sit down if you want. You don't have to stand." He chuckles and sheepishly I pull the chair back before sitting down on it. I sigh softly as the cushion feels as soft as it looks and swallowing, I turn my gaze to Yoongi.

As we look at each other, an uncomfortable silence surrounds us and I frantically think about how to start a conservation. But then the decision is taken from me by Yoongi, as he clears his throat and points to the menu, which lies in front of me and I have not noticed so far. "You can choose whatever you want..I think our conversation will be longer." He murmurs and looks me straight in the eye, which makes my cheeks blush slightly.

Damn it heart, now stop beating so fast!

I nod slightly and open the menu. When I see all the delicious food, my stomach begins to growl and ashamed I look at yoongi. "Sorry. I haven't eaten that much today" I say and he smirks slightly, making me pout a little. "Don't worry. It can happen to anyone" he replies. After that I take my time, looking at which pastry I think is best. When I have decided, a waiter already comes towards us. "Hello and welcome! What would you like to order?" He asks politely. "I'd like a cocoa and a strawberry shortcake" I place my order and Yoongis follows. "I'd like a black coffee and blueberry muffin" he mutters and the waiter writes it down. "Coming right up!" And he's gone.

"So...uh...how are you?" Yoongi asks carefully and I sigh softly. "I'm fine. And you?", "Me too."

i hate small talk.

"I think we should talk about something more important," I begin slowly and he nods in agreement. "You're right. Well...I told you why I...well, acted like that. However, I really want to apologize again...and I got something for that," he mumbles and bends under the table once, which confuses me a bit. Then he reappears and suddenly has a bag in his hand that looks really expensive. "What.." I ask amazed and he hands it to me. "I know it doesn't make up for everything I've done. But still I hope that someday you could forgive me and maybe we can... be friends again?" Unsure, he gets every word out of his mouth and I just nod slightly while I reach into the bag and pull out a small, blue box.

I'm slowly getting tears in my eyes because I didn't expect something like that and I open the box. A simple, silver ring appears.

Nevertheless, for me it is the most beautiful ring in the world.

"I hereby promise you that I will never let anyone hurt you again. Unfortunately, I won't be able to undo my mistake...but I want to continue to be in your life. I've missed you so much during the last years. I... I'm asking you for a second chance. I hereby promise that I'll be a better friend to you and... and from now on there will be no more secrets between us." he speaks while I take out the ring and look at it. Suddenly I notice something inside the ring.

There is an engraving that has the word "Promise" written in it and next to it is a small Y+J.

"It's beautiful. Thank you." I breathe, fascinated and touched, and I immediately put the ring on my ring finger. "I really appreciate your effort Yoongi. And I know myself that I also did some things that were wrong. I should have talked to you instead of just watching and taking actions that went wrong. I'm sorry. And I think...if we take things slow we can be good friends again. I forgive you if you can forgive me too" I reply smiling and immediately I can see something in Yoongi's eyes, what I haven't seen for a long time.

Pure joy.

"I-" "Here is your order. Enjoy it!" Yoongi is interrupted by the waiter who puts our order in front of us. "Thanks" I thank the waiter and grinning he nods. He then goes away and I look at Yoongi again. "What did you want to say?" I ask. "I wanted to say, I forgive you. Let's start over. Get to know each other better. I think we have so much to tell each other.", he laughs and smiling I nod. "Alright. I'm Park Jimin!" I say and reach my hand out to shake his hand. He gives me his hand and we shake our hands.

"I'm Min Yoongi."

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