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MinYoongiofficial Hey. I wanna talk about something serious with you. I often read some comments about Park Jimin. Yk, my boyfriend. I know I said we'll do a break. But that didn't give you the fucking permission to talk shit about him. I read so much bullshit it boils my blood. Jimin never cheated on me with Hoseok. He never dated me for money. He never spread his legs for other men. I'm so fucking mad to read such comments which my fans wrote. I'm sorry but I can't call you my fans. My fandom is respectful to everyone. To everything. Respectful to every religion, sexuality, nationality and to every individual human being. And I can't tolerate such hate between the most precious human and my fans. I love Jimin really much. I love his cute laughing. His cute and beautiful shining eyes. I love his Humor and his way to make everyone laugh and smile. He's the most gentle and kind human I know. He would never cheat on anyone. He would never do such things. He's a good human and I don't like to see him hurt. So please apologize. Never say such words again. If I see ever a hate comment again big consequences would come. Be aware. That was everything I wanted to talk about.

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