Ch 22: Bai is here

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The winter season is coming , my mates had already started collecting meat and putting it in my space to stay fresh , but until now other than my three first mates , the others didn't see what it actually looks like .They were really shocked , the moment they entered my space , they were amazed and they looked blankly at everything around them. I took their hand and started showing them around , they liked everything in it and how convenient the modern luxury was .

We actually spent most of the winter season in the space , because I couldn't tell that fucking bird about my space and because of the time difference , so I had to spend time outside. Max and Curtis was hibernating during this time , they couldn't stay awake because it was unhealthy for them to not hibernate for a whole year before getting their fifth mark . I also ended up pregnant with Aryan cubs and give birth to them a month before the end of winter .My two new cubs were so cute , the older got my green eyes and the younger had Aryan brown eyes.But because of my love for lions , you will find me caressing them all the time , until my tiger cubs got enough and started competing for my affection .My tiger cubs have already had more than a year , so they already started talking in their animal form , and it was easier to know their preference .The only thing that I am worried about is they tell other people about my space but Winston assured me that they wouldn't do that .During this winter I also enjoyed the company of Ember , he may like teasing me and making fun of my blushes, but other than that he was so sweet , he likes to show me all his good features , and I enjoyed his pampering while trying to make sure I am not cold with his body heat.Well I ended up accepting his courtship and we mated just before the end of winter .

Winter had ended , Curtis and Max had waking up and I found myself stuck between a sweet sleepy bear nuzzling his face between my chest and an angry snake glaring at the phoenix mark on my right chest, well thank god it wasn't closer than his mark to my heart or I am sure a fight is going to happen .Well now we should wait two months before the heroine arrival to this world. But before that I wanted to come back to the beast city to visit my parents and brothers , I really missed them . Aryan had to select someone to replace him to take care of the tribe .

While travelling I put my new cubs (I named them Bryan and Leo) in a basket and took turn of travelling on my bird mates , that way I could rest while waiting for my other mates , because travelling will take them two days to finally arrive to beast city .Well I ended up arriving earlier than them and I couldn't wait so I just went to my parents castle with my 3 mates .

"Mommy, daddies , I'm back"

Mommy was like usual on her swing , surrounded by five of her mates .She looked surprised by my arrival but in place of hugging me , she directly pulled my ears, yep that hurt.

"Now you know that you have parents , you didn't say or send anything , we had to wait until your grandpa send a messenger , I was so scared , I thought you were kidnapped or something worse happened to you"

"Mommy I'm sorry , but that really hurt , and this is so embarrassing in front of my cubs , don't you think"

She looked at my two lion cubs who were sleeping in the basket, and took it from me forgotten my existence .Well she ended up waking them up but at least they weren't hungry , because I don't want to breastfeed them for now.My daddies came to hug me and then they turned to look at my mates .Well they already know Muir and Felix , Ember was the one they didn't know but you can see the satisfaction on their faces. Well the phoenix tribe is small in number and they are also stronger than other tribe because of their fire element, on top of that Ember is fourth level beastman and he's super handsome and rich.

It didn't take long before the rest of my mates arrived .My daddies already know that the lion king is my mate , but it was their first time meeting him , and it was the leopard king (my step-father) who came to welcome him.

After the big welcome, I went back to my previous home. Well we had to clean it because so many months without being take care of , it was normal to see this amount of dust . I actually didn't do anything because my mates didn't let me touch anything, I just waited outside with the kids until they finished setting everything. Well I had to also change the planning of who will sleep with me . My mates compromised with being two to sleep with me every night instead of one , but guys are you trying to kill me . You can imagine yourself mating with two for every night for a month , I've had enough of them so I run away to my mother house . Yep this time I am not compromising, this fucking males don't know what it means to control themselves. At least I've got the chance to have four days of rest before taking me back . So guys your dear poor female lead spent two months mating.
When the two months were finished I was so happy , I could finally go visit Parker and then go back to my sweet home without mating with two people every time .
This time was Ember turn , I put my two lion cubs in a basket and prepared two baskets to put food in it after for my two brothers.
When I arrived , Parker opened and looked at me with surprise than with happiness.
« Sister thank god you're here , there is no doctor on this village and my female hurt her foot , I was going to take her to the sheep village but you're here . »
« oh my stupid brother got a female for himself? »
« Yes , she's pretty and gentle , I saved her in the forest and she got lost »
I got in and saw the original female lead sitting on the bed that I obliged my brother to prepare . When she saw me , there was surprise in her eyes.
« Hi I am Parker's sister from the fox tribe , I am also a doctor so I will try to heal your leg . »
« Hi I am bai qing qing , I am from the ape tribe but how came you got two different origins you and your brother ? »
« Oh Parker is the son of my mother leopard mate and I am her daughter from her fox mate »
I saw her confused look , then she looked at my body and seeing the different kind of tattoos on my body , she asked : « do your tattoos represent anything like Parker tattoos »
« Well they are the symbol of my mates »
« You have many husbands? »
This time she yelled , I frowned , this nasty thing is really more disgusting than what I thought . Is she trying to judge me right now . I took her hand and took her pulse .
« She only twisted her foot , there is no broken bones, just put this cream and tomorrow morning , your leg will be fine . »
I put the cream in my brother hand and then get the basket from Ember .My brother forgot everything and started smelling it .
« Sister , you are the best , you got me everything I like right , Qing Qing you need to really try my sister cooking , she got you fruits and vegetables, this is all for you(because he literally hate them) , there is chocolate , pizza and fried chicken , what do you want to try ? »
Bai was silent for a moment before asking : « are you also the one who gave him shampoo, conditioner , gel , skincare, clothes and everything around me »
I nodded : « yes I like creating new things, I learned how to heal and then tried different herbs to create different kind of skin and body care and then I got the idea to use coton to create beautiful and comfortable clothes , well not everyone can use this item , it only reserved for my family , my friend and my brothers mates »
I can see her eyes twinkling then asking again: « then can you teach me how to do that? »
« No this knowledge got to only pass to my daughter or my sons if they wanted and no one else , and you don't need to worry about that because you're my brother mate »
She looked disappointed and wanted to refute the fact of being his mate , but I didn't give her the chance to speak and said :
« I hope that you treat my brother in a good way , he loves you so i hope that you give back his feelings, and Parker treat her well ,now you got a mate so behave yourself and don't force her to mate with you she's still young , enjoy yourself I am leaving to see my brother and Eve »
« where are you going can I go with you? »
I nodded and then waited for her outside .
Ember was waiting for me under the shadow of a tree with my lion cubs . I gave him a hug .
« Sorry for making you wait for me for so long did you get bored »
He just kissed my forehead and smiled while shaking his head .
It didn't take long before Parker and Bai arrived .
When Bai looked at Ember, she was astonished than a weird blush appeared on her face , I couldn't take it anymore and released my power pressure on her , or let me say the third of it , but it was enough to make her face pale and her body to tremble , my stupid brother didn't know what's happening and thought she was cold and hugged her . But that wasn't the case for the male behind me , he pulled me up and caressed my nose while teasing me : « is my little cat jealous ? »
I didn't say anything and let him be .
We finally arrived and it was one of Eve mates that opened the door , he let me and Bai enter , while Parker and Ember had to wait again .

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