Carack Ch10 p4

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After the explanations Sancret wanted to go on to discuss what should be done next, he felt it was clear Morvah would relay all she had found out to Madron and that the castle would now be an obvious target for an attack. It was in what form this attack would take, when and how to prepare for it that Sancret and N’zar were concerned with.

 N’zar and Cam gave a report on the state of readiness of the army they had managed to raise, which could in their opinion still could not hold the plains around the castle against an attacking force for some time. The men had been trained to fall back to the castle should the enemy forces prevail, so that there would be defenders within the walls for a siege, if necessary.

‘I must admit the fact that Morvah was able to fool me so readily has somewhat shaken me,’ Sancret said , ‘and I am rather embarrssed and alarmed to find I was so susceptible to her influence charm. It has rather- well – shaken my confidence I suppose. I must have been getting rather too self confident and perhaps I even needed that lesson –but I’m glad Ger had the sense to give me that hauberk otherwise what would have happened I don’t like to guess. However on the up side it has made me aware that I will need all the knowledge I can gain in order to be even half way able to defeat Madron if it comes to a  magical fight.’

‘You must kep the hauberk and wear it all the time,’ Gerent at once volunteered.

‘But you –‘

‘The boy is right Mage, you are now the best weapon and defense we could have and you need the protection this thing offers more than him,’ N’zar insisted and Gerent nodded.

‘I am reluctant to put Ger into danger, but I can see you are all determined this should be so and given my recent lack of judgement I will bow to your wishes.’ Sancret smiled.

‘Our next move must be to strengthen our numbers, but the people will not wish to rise up against our king,’said N’zar. ‘He must be under Madron’s influence charm and I believe we should go to Chun castle and free him from it. Then would we have an army.’

‘It wouldst be no good all of us going – besides ‘Zar you would be too easily recognised’. Cam said leaning back in his chair and pivoting on its two rear legs. His face was a picture of concentration. ‘It must be done, but only by two or three at most. I would stand out as a soldier at once by my bearings I know,’ he said.’ And therefore it cannot be me either.’

‘You mean you want to stay here with M’zera,’ Gerent joked and then wished he hadn’t as he saw their faces. Cam’s grew red with embarressment, N’zar’s went dark with anger but it was the look of hurt on Sancret’s face that hit Gerent most. ‘Sorry,’ he said in a quiet voice, ‘bad  joke. I’ll go – to Chun was it? - if you want – and you tell me which way to go.’

‘Good idea,’ snapped N’zar. ‘Wampa knows the place, he could go with thee. If Meendhu were still here then he would have made an excellent third member of the party, but he’s not. So it will be the two of thee. There, that’s decided.’

‘But it will not be easy N‘zar,’ said Sancret. ‘Ger will have to find out how the charm is being administered and by whom and stop them, if he can. Plus he will have to get the king to take my antidote.’

‘Couldn’t you look for Meendhu in the well mage?’ asked Cam. ‘I am sure he would wish to help and if we can find him it would be of great benfit.’

‘I have been wary of looking for him - in case he is happier away from here and also because I feel so bad about him. It was due to my actions that he left after all. But you are right He could help and I should look and at least ensure he is alright for my own peace of mind.’ Sancret replied. He went to the well and placed his hands on the brick rim gazing at the rafters as he did so, after a pause he lowered his head and gazed down into the water. The ripples ran inward to meet in the midle as usual and the surface of the water quivered into an image of a large cage made of iron bars hat contained four black bears, all of similar appearance. There were other similar cages around and it looked like it was a bear market set in a town centre. There were people passing the cage and it was clear there were preparations for some sort of festival day going on around the cages. Sancret took a short intake of breath.

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