New day New headache

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After you slept for a while, you woke up.

It is morning now. All you can hear is the singing of the birds and the sounds of the wind.

You were tired so you decided to go back to sleep. You went back to your bed and you slept again.

A few hours later you woke up. It is now 8 o'clock AM. You heard the sound of the alarm clock ring.

The alarm clock said "Beep...Beep!"

You turned off the alarm clock and you went back to your bed where you slept.

A few moments later, you felt the blankets on you being lifted off.

You opened your eyes and you saw that Mikasa was the one removing the blanket over you while you were sleeping.

"What the-!?!"

Mikasa then started to say her reasons.

"It is already 8 o'clock AM. If you did not wake up now, you would be late for the class that the historian is teaching us. So I removed the blanket off of you so you can start your day." - Mikasa said.

Mikasa smiled after she said that.

"But,do i teach history once a week?"

Mikasa started to smile.

"Yes, you are correct! You will be teaching us about history once a week, or every week." - Mikasa said.

"I think it is very necessary to know more about our history, don't you think historian?" - Mikasa asked

"Sigh.... alright im up right now"

You started to stand up from your bed.

After you were up from your bed, Mikasa started to smile.

"That is good, historian!" - Mikasa said.

Mikasa then went out to do her own thing while you started to get ready for your day.

this is gonna be a long day i thought.

After you finished getting ready, you started to walk out.

You walked outside the room and you started to go to the classroom where the history class will be held.

You started to walk towards the classroom for your class to start.

" day, headache again "

You started walking to the classroom for your class to start while mumbling that statement.

You suddenly heard someone call your name.

You looked at the direction where the sound is coming from.

You saw Avrora waving at you.

"Good morning, constitution! Are you ready for today's class?" - Avrora asked.

"Sstttt..... don't say that name in public"

Avrora looked shocked after she realizes what she said.

Avrora then started to apologize.

Avrora said, "I'm sorry, constitution! I shouldn't be telling everyone who you really are! I promise I will never say that again!" - Avrora said.

"No,you just said it again"

A/n : Heh ,Granny
*Team fortress meme*

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