Time To Work (Again)

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A/n : I don't know what i want to say

*Continuation of the previous chapter

You then got off your bed because it is time to teach the students in your class.

When you walk outside of your room. You see many of the Shipgirls talking about something in the canteen... But they suddenly stopped talking when they noticed you were present in the canteen.

You then walked a bit forward to see what they were talking about and you noticed they were talking about you.

One of the Shipgirls then said, "So... Did you see Glasgow last night, sir?"

"Yes,i see her last night"

"So..How is she doing right now?" The Shipgirl then asked as she looked at you.

"I don't know yet"

"Okay... We were just wondering how she would be doing right now... Because... To be honest, she really looked exhausted and tired yesterday." The Shipgirl said.

Then another Shipgirl spoke.

Another Shipgirl then said, "That must be why she fell asleep right after she had that big meal yesterday."

Then.. As you and the two Shipgirls are talking about Glasgow...You heard someone walking towards your direction.

When you looked... You saw Glasgow... She is now waking up after her long sleep yesterday.

"You Finally Awake"

I said to Glasgow

Glasgow then looked at you and replied, "Yes. I am finally awake."

Glasgow then looked around and saw both of the Shipgirls you were speaking to.

Glasgow then asked, "Wait... Were you all talking about me last night?".

"Me? No,It's them"

Glasgow then looked at both of the Shipgirls.

The First Shipgirl then said, "Yes. We were all worried about you last night. We were all wondering how you were doing."

"Yes. We are glad that you are okay now, Musashi." The Second Shipgirl then spoke.

Both of the Shipgirls then laughed a little bit... You noticed that they were very good friends with Glasgow.

"Then, I'll go first because I have a class to attend"

The First Shipgirl then said, "He is really nice."

The Second Shipgirl then added to the First Shipgirl said.

The Second Shipgirl then said, "He is very friendly too."

When you entered the class, you saw your students sitting in their seats with their books open. They were waiting for you to start teaching them.

"Alright, before we start today's history lesson I have one question"

Your students then looked at you and wondered what your question was,You can tell that they are curious about what you are going to say next.

"What comes to your mind when you hear the word "WAR"?, Please raise your hand before answer it"

When you said that, All of your students then raised their hands and they all began to say their idea of what the word "WAR" might mean to them. They were all eager in participating in this discussion today.

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