Chapter 98 C-Dept Games Arc

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"The rules of the game are simple. One team must take a flag from the other, then take it to their side, first to do so wins! Combat is allowed! I repeat, combat is allowed!"

Meanwhile back at the island...

Elias was sitting outside the door, looking up at the sky.

"What is going on? What did I see? I saw the future? I was so much taller and bigger. My left arm was gone. And I saw Leon, Amber, Koji, and two mystery girls with them. Wait, if they're the only ones left on the boat, does that mean... they're the only ones around in the future?"

As Elias thought this, an literal eagle flew from the sky down to him, zooming across his head. As the eagle passed, he dropped a mysterious note in Elias's lap. Elias opened up the note and it said...

"Dear 10th C-Dept Team. I know you. I know who all are. I know what you have done to me and my partner, and I have not taken kindly to it. Just now know, the 10th C-Dept Team shall never see piece again.

From Ivan Ivanovs former friend and partner, Vladimir Makarov."

"What the going on?"


Amber, Leon, Huan, Koji, and Selias lined up in front of their matchups. Diego with Selias, Leon with Giovanni, Amber with Semone, Huan with Mio, and Bracey with Koji.

"Who the hell are you, some substitute?" Koji asked.

"Shut your fucking mouth mate. Shut up and you'll see." Bracey snarled in a accent.

"You snapped from two different accents just now, what are you? British and American?"

"Bahamian and Scottish bruv."

"Ready, begin!" Cornelius announced.

Huan immediately ran back to there flag standing in front of it.

"That's there plan, his legs are exhausted by now, so there just going to have him guard the flag, cheeky bastards" Mio thought.

"No more thing I forgot to explain! The way you get a flag from someone isn't by two hand touch, but by combat. So if someone takes your flag, you gotta take it by force."

"Alright guys, don't forget about the new plan" Diego reminded. "Semone, your up first."

"With pleasure" Semone smiled widely.

Everyone stood face to face with their matchups, not moving a muscle.

"Diego called his name, he is probably about to move" Amber thought. "And that begs a good question, why is Diego calling the shots right now? Where is Sergeant Shayetet?"

"You only ever saw me at level 2 huh? That's only 2/10 of my levels, time to go up to level 3" Semone entered the zone, and and jab stepped to his right.

He then did a spin to his left, going past her smoothly. Amber stood in shock.

"He got past Amber so easily" Leon thought.

"Amber get him!" Sergeant Jonas yelled.

Amber quickly turned around, right over his shoulder keeping up.

"Hey not bad, guess I could bump it to level 4!" Semone suddenly stopped, almost throwing Amber off her balance.

Amber popped back in front of him.

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