Chapter 19

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Huan's arm droupped down.

"My arm, it went completely numb" Huan thought.

She did the same to his other arm.

"What the fu-what the fuck did you do to me!?" Huan exclaimed.

Amber ran towards him with a flying knee to his jaw. Knocking him over to the ground.

"Relax, it will were off in a few seconds" Amber said, as she picked her gun back up. "You fought well, better than I expected, but, know this Huan, the only one who can beat me in this class of soldiers, is me."

Amber raised her gun, aimed it at him, at took the shot.


"Good job on these exercises today recruits!" Sergeant Jonas congratulated. "I saw amazing talents from everyone today from your leadership, all the way down to skill and talent, go eat lunch and rest up!"

"Yes sir!"


"Mind if we sit here?" Elias asked.

"Sure, knock yourselves out" Huan said.

Elias and Leon sat with Jermija and Huan.

"Leon, I never got to ask you, how did the bullet feel for you?" Elias wondered. "For me, it just bounced off me, and my whole body went numb."

"It was the same for everyone idiot" Leon said.

"Look..." Huan sighed. "...I'm-i'm sorry for what I did to you guys yesterday, it was wrong of me to immediately judge you guys off of where your from."

"I apologize as well" Jermija added.

"It's fine" Leon said.

"Good" Huan put his hand out for a hand shake. "Let's make a truce."

Leon put his hand out as well, both shaking each other's hand.

"Don't get it twisted, we're not friends or anything like that" Huan said.

"I know, the only reason I agreed to your 'truce' was so when I beat your ass later you won't expect it" Leon said.

"Is that so?" Huan glared.

Huan and Leon glared at each other.

"Seems as though, this rivalry will never stop, but we're cool for now, so I'm...fine with it" Elias thought.


Alright recruits, now welcome to educational training!" Sergeant Jonas welcomed. "Here, you will learn different terms, tactics, combat, and skills, by the end you will have a final exam on everything in this book! As you can see, the book is very thin, so don't stress about learning to much!"


"Damn it, what did he say, KMA? No it was..."

"Since Elias wants to mumble to himself in the corner, how about you answer this question for us!" Sergeant Jonas screamed in his face. "What does KIA stand for!?"

"Killed in Advantage" Elias blurted out.

"Killed in advantage!? That doesn't  even make any fucking sense! Where are you from!?"


"What!? Do they speak English in what!? Fuck it, just hit 50 pushups to make up for it!"


"Wow, today was pretty intense don't you think?" Selena asked.

"Yeah, I thought I was gonna collapse" Mikolaj added.

"As long as we keep our heads high, we should be fine" John Price said.

"It wasn't that bad, you guys are just lazy" Leon stated. "How about you Elias?"

Leon looked to his left, and saw Elias starring at his food blankly. Leon slapped him in the back of his head.

"Wha-what happen?"

"Dude, geez, get it together, it really wasn't even that hard" Leon laughed.

"Easy for you to say, you didn't spend the past hour getting shouted at, doing countless pushups and situps, and answering questions that he didn't even teach us yet!" Elias said in frustration. "Sorry, I'm just a little tired."

"Don't worry, if it was easy, it wouldn't be a challenge..."Leon was interrupted by Sergeant Jonas walking through the cafeteria.

"Elias, I need to see you for a minute."

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