Chapter two It only beguins

Start from the beginning

"That would be Sir Integra's office Ma'am, she is expecting you. Allow me to announce you, then you may come in." Jane nodded absently not sure why he needed to announce her but let him do as he pleased. Thomas knocked upon the door and waited for Integra's response.

"Miss Hellsing is here Sir Integra." Thomas called as he opened the towering door.

"Let her in." Came a low voice from within the office. Thomas nodded then gestured for Jane to enter. She did so and had to blink a few times before she was able to see into the room due to a pure light shining from the office windows. Once her eyes adjusted Jane was greeted by a large room, fitted out with chestnut furniture, red Persian rugs, light blue curtains on the open windows, a functioning hearth in the corner, plush couches, and one desk where behind sat Integra herself in a consuming armchair.

"Integra." Jane smiled, walking briskly into the room toward her cousin.

"Hello Jane." Integra greeted standing from her chair with a surprisingly warm expression on her face. Jane came around the desk and hugged Integra snuggly, Thomas gasped as his eyes widened considerably, never in his time working there had he seen any such gesture from Integra before. It both surprised and slightly disturbed him to watch Integra hug someone. Integra was never one for hugs herself, but considering how long she had not seen Jane, she made an exception.

"Welcome to the estate." Integra said, ending the hug short. "You're visit has been long overdue."

Jane smiled up at her and said. "I am honored to be inviting, your house is amazing."
Integra raised her brows at that, but then resumed not to look surprised.

"Really now?" She smirked. "Perhaps you would care to see more of it?"

Jane's eyes brightened with interest. "Oh yes please, that would be wonderful." Integra smiled, this time as if some goal had been achieved by Jane's excitement regarding the house. At once Integra grabbed her cane and made her shaky way to the office door.

"Come along then." She called, Jane's smile widened, and she trotted after Integra while Thomas watched them leave the office by the door. He and Integra making brief eye contact with each other then he closed the office to follow them, not saying a word.

Jane stayed by Intagra's side for every second of the tour, listening to all she had to say about her home. It was equal to taking a walk through a museum for Jane. Everything was pristine and perfect in those halls of Hellsing. Not a detail, speck, or crevice was overlooked. Jane was shone the great hall, the forays, the upstairs and downstairs corridors, filled with bedrooms and Garrison bunkers for the soldiers who lived there. She peeked at the kitchens while the dinner rush was being put together for that night. Thomas was proud to show off his kitchen crew at work, and rightfully so, it was like watching clock work with.
Integra then guided Jane to the training facilities were the men practiced their skills and became familiar with the equipment. There was also a modern armory, and small treasury where the money was kept, like a bank vault. They strolled among the thick garden behind the estate, were flowers of radiant beauty whispered to each other through the breeze.

The family crypt was kept in this garden and Jane could see her past ancestors going back to VanHellsing himself, even her father was laid down in that tomb. She knelt next to his coffin feeling the rock of his death box. She felt odd being this close to her father, not sad, or sentimental, just emotionless. Jane never knew her father, but she did know he tried to kill Integra for Hellsing and was killed for it. She had little option on him and had no reason to miss him or weep at his grave. You can never miss something you never had, and Jane never had a father figure in her life, not one. So, there was no need to miss him, she respected the man who helped bring her into this world, but that was all.

Wanted dead and alive ~ A Hellsing fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now