Summer 2027 (Edited)

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(Carley's POV)

It's summer time once again. Which means our pool is open for business. We opened it on Memorial day. And we invited pretty much everyone. Timmy, Spencer and Sami came. Which was a nice thing, you know since they live so far away from us now. My family did come too like they always do when everyone comes over. My mom and dad love their grandkids. And I think my kids love them. I know EJ does. But I know he would rather be with Stephanie. Just because Stephanie comes over a lot more and helps us more than my parents do.

I told my parents that if they came over more then my children would choose them. But they said they are busy. Which they are. I'm not saying they're not.

Today is fourth of July. So yes another party. But this time our family is going to the Roger's house. We haven't been there in awhile. My family is meeting us there. But that's not until 2 in the afternoon. Right now it is 10:30 in the morning. And Eric is still asleep.

I should wake him up but I know his work has been a lot. He has gotten a lot more patients for his office. Like he told me that a kid got into a car accident and has a herniated disc because of it. He said he has been working with the kid as much as he can but the kid is still in pain.

When it was 11:30 in the morning I went to our room and woke him up. Because it has been a long time for him to sleep in. As I walk over to his side. I pushed his hair to the side. He has like bangs right now. So yeah he's hair is pretty long.

"Eric..." I said softly and kissed his forehead. He says mmm. "Eric....Baby it's time to wake up" I said rubbing his cheek

"No" He said and turned over

I chuckle. And try to move the blanket without hurting myself. It took 2 tries but I did it. He rolls onto the floor.

"Ouch" He said as he landed on his butt

I chuckle but helped him up. "Are you ok?" I said with a laugh.

"Yeah, laugh at my pain why don't you" He said as he is now fully awake

"Are you seriously injured Eric?" I asked him

"A little" He said

"Well I am sorry" I said to him

"Give me a kiss" He said

I smile and kiss him on the lips

"Ok apologize accepted" he said with a smile

"Good. Now do your morning routine, then meet me downstairs. We got a few hours before heading over to your aunts and uncles' place.

"Ok" He said, yawning.

"Ok. I will leave you to it" I said

"Why don't you join me for the shower?" He asked with a smirk

"Because our kids are up and are eating downstairs right now." I said to him

"Ok" He said nodding

"Alright I will be downstairs" I said and kissed him one more time.

After leaving our room i go into the kitchen and saw EJ drinking his apple juice.

"You really love apple juice don't you EJ?" I asked with a smile

As he was drinking the juice he nods his head. I chuckle. I walked over and rubbed his head

"Momma look!" Emma said lifting up her eggs and ate it.

"Do you like your eggs Emma?" i asked my daughter

"Yes" She said

"Momma, me next!" Skylar said, doing the same thing that Emma did.

"How about you Skylar. Do you like your eggs?" i asked my older daughter

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin