My Dad's Back? (Edited)

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(Carley's POV)

It's been a week since the beach day/club. I am currently staying at Ellie's house because my mom is always trying to invite Evan over. Even though I told her I have a boyfriend now.

I am downstairs currently waiting for Ellie to get out of bed. Arthur stayed over last night so i had to wait for him to wake up too.

Once Ellie came down in a robe I knew what she and Arthur did

"You couldn't have put on some clothes before coming down?" I asked her

"Hey it's my house Car" Ellie said walking over to the coffee. "You made coffee already?" She asked surprised

"Yep. Cause I know you don't like to do it" I said to her

"I love ya girly" She said coming to give me a hug

"Yeah love ya too El" I said to her. I laughed as I hugged her back

"Oh hi Carley" Arthur said with a robe on

"Really you couldn't put clothes on either?" I asked annoyed

"To be perfectly honestly. I forget you were here" He said to me

"Well Arthur you are at my best friend's house. My best friend since diapers" I said to him drinking my coffee.

"And she's my girlfriend Carley" Arthur said to me. He walked over to Ellie and hugged her from behind

"Where's Eric?" She asked me

"At Arthur's" I said to her

"Why?" She asked looking at me and Arthur confused. Since Eric usually comes over whenever Arthur does but not today

"He's hanging with James and Mikey" Arthur said to his girlfriend

"Oh.....That's nice. Brother bonding time?" She asked as she had some coffee

We both nod to that.

"Well I'm gonna try going home and hope to god Evan is not there" I said to them

"If he is you know you can always come back here" Ellie said smiling at me

I smile back. "I know. Thanks Ell" I said then walking out the front door to my car outside. I get in and buckled up. I drove out of the driveway and onto the road.

Once I drove back to my house. I drove into the driveway and parked my car. I got out and locked the car doors so no one goes in and steals my car

I walked into the house and dropped my car keys into the bowl in the front. We have a bowl for everyone's car keys. By everyone I mean mostly my mom and I.

"Mom! Im home!" I yelled for her

"In the kitchen!" She yelled back

I walked into the kitchen ready to see Evan there but it wasn't him this time

"Dad?!" I said shocked

"Hi sweetie" He said. He comes over and gives me a hug. I just stood still while he hugged me. I'm in complete shock

"What.......what are you doing here?" I asked after pulling away from his hug

"Im back for good" He said with a smile

I shake my head. And go upstairs not saying anything

"Honey" My mom said after me being alone for 5 minutes. While being up here by myself I was thinking of why he was here. Why now?

"Why is he here mom?" I asked her

"I don't know sweetie. But the least you could do is be welcoming" She said

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now