Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)

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A/N: This part will be in EJ's POV mostly just because Emma and Skylar are only 3 years old. I mean at that age you don't remember too much from your third birthday. Well unless you video tape it.

(EJ's POV)

Today is my little sisters' birthday. Skylar and Emma's, I mean well they are my only sisters. So I guess that was a given. They are 3 years old today. I am 3 and a half year older than them. But it doesn't matter that much. I wasn't too happy with them at first. But I realized that they are cute. And I will protect them always.

My Uncle Mikey always talks about how Aunt Tessa got bullied but he saved her. I mean they are twins but Aunt Tessa is still the younger one.

I want Sky, Emma and I be like Uncle Mikey and Aunt Tessa. I hope one day we get there. But until then all I can do is be nice to them. Sky is very close to daddy and Emma is very close to mommy.

I heard a knock on the downstairs front door. I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was 9:30 in the morning. Around the time i usually wake up. So i got out of bed. I did my morning routine. Yes I have a routine but so does my daddy. So I am just like him.

After brushing my teeth and getting into changed into regular clothes for the day. I ran downstairs like I normally do. Once I walked, well ran downstairs. I smelled my daddy's cooking. I went into the kitchen and saw mommy actually cooking

"Hi mommy" I said sitting at the dining table

"Hi sweetie. I see you have smelled the food" Mommy said as she was cooking

"What are you making today mommy?" I asked

"Well daddy is still sleeping. So i am making what he makes but just my way" She said

I go over and try to see what she was making. But I wasn't that tall. So i touched my mommy's leg.

"What's up sweetie?" She asked

"Up mommy" I said

"EJ I am cooking" She said

"Please?" I asked

"Ok but don't get too close to the stove" She said. She lifted me up.

I saw that the food was in fact what daddy makes. Except there seems to be some stuff on it.

"What's that mommy?" i asked pointing to the orange stuff

"That is 4 blend Mexican cheese sweetie" She said. She put me down slowly. "It tasted really good. When I was a kid, your grandma Hellen always made this for me and your uncle and aunt" She said

"Aunt Emily and Uncle Anthony?" i asked

"Yeah" She said smiling

"When is Aunt Emily coming back?" I asked her

"Probably today. She didn't tell me anything but you know she likes to surprise us" She said smiling at me

Once my mommy was done making the food I went back over to the table. I grabbed the apple juice out first though. Then went over to the table.

"I smell food!" My daddy said coming down

"Yes I am making food. Where are the other three Eric?" Mommy asked daddy

"Still in bed" He said. "Hey bud" He said putting his hand out for a high five

"Hi daddy" i said high fiving him back

"Eric can you go wake up Noah, Sky and Emma?" Mommy asked daddy

"Alright. I'll be back. But EJ buddy don't eat all the food, alright?" He said to me

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