End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)

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(Eric's POV)

Well it's been a week since the last time I talked. I have been doing physical therapy 2 or 3 times a week to try to get more movement back into my legs. I mean I have been in a wheelchair for almost 4 years. I mean the accident was February 2017. I will never forget it honestly. But the next date I would always remember August 13,2020. That was the day Carley and I got back together. And I will always be grateful for that day.

So i am on my way to my last final before break. I am so ready to be done! Also can't wait to see Carley back in San Francisco. It's been a while. Like the last time she came home was for thanksgiving. And that was only for a few days.

But this time she's gonna be there until January 10, 2021. So yeah, a long time. But hey its good news for me.

After doing the last final I walked back to my dorm and waited to see my grade for this semester for that class.

For my other classes I got Bs and Cs. Which is good. I mean it's an average grade for someone like me. I don't need to be getting As.

I started to get ready to move back home. While I was packing I saw Arthur come in.

"Hey coz" He said

"Hey Arth. Whats up?" I asked putting some of my clothes into one of my many suitcases

"Not much. Hey did you hear we are going on another cruise?" he asked me

"Oh really?" I asked shocked

"Yeah. But this time my mom and my dad said we can bring our girlfriends. Since Michelle is staying home with Ben" He said

"Yeah but if we invite all our girlfriends then it's gonna be more than when we went with just our families" I said to him

"Hey man we got the money. We don't have to worry" He said chuckling

"Ha ha very funny Arth" I said. I heard a ding from my computer and looked at the grade.

I got a C+ For the semester. So that means I passed for this semester. I am on the right track to graduate with my cousin, next semester.

"So did your grade come?" He asked

"Yeah. I am on the right track" I said

"Yo that's amazing!" He said coming over to me

"Yeah it is. But also crazy" I said to him

"Yeah well hey at least we are gonna graduate at the same time" He said with a smile.

"Yeah" I said

After we both got done with our packing we head to the car. I didn't get my car yet. It's still in the garage. But the good news is that I will be able to drive soon. I mean that's what my physical therapist said.

Once we drove home I walked up to the front door and smiled. Arthur and I yelled

"We're home!" At the same time

My mom, Aunt Evie, Uncle Matt, Alex, James, Michelle, Maria,  Mikey and Tessa all come downstairs and give us a warm welcome

"Welcome home you two" My mom said

"Thanks mom" i said with a smile

I saw a guy come out.

"Who's that?" I asked

"Oh Eric, this is my boyfriend. Jason this is my oldest son Eric" My mom said

"Eric, nice to officially meet you. Your mom has told me so much about you" He said putting his hand out

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang