Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)

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This next part will be mostly Ellie and Arthur's POV because they are the ones who are engaged. No they aren't going to get married yet but they are starting to plan the details of it.

On to the Story

(Ellie's POV)

It's the day after thanksgiving. Once I woke up. I realized I'm engaged to the love of my life. Arthur and I have been together for about 7 years. And now we are engaged. It's crazy to think about to be honest.

Arthur was still sleeping. I slightly touch his face. He jumps up.

"I got a bat!" He said then opened his eyes. He saw me and smile. "Hi" He said

"Hi fiancé" I said smiling at him

He brought me close to him.

"I like the sound of that" He said

"Me too" I said kissing his cheek. I was about to get up but Arthur held me. "Yea?" I asked him

"I wanna cuddle more" He said

"Now you're sounding like Eric" I said with a laugh

"At least we have been together all this time" He said

"Yeah" I said with a smile

"Just come cuddle me for 5 more minutes" He said

"Arthur, I got to get ready for the day" I said to him trying to get up

"No!" He said

"Fine 5 minutes that's all" I said pointing at him

"Scouts honor" He said holding his hand up

"You were never in scouts" I said with a laugh

"Hey, we only went to the same school since kindergarten. We weren't friends until 8th grade which was the last year of middle school" He said

"Do you want to cuddle or not?" I asked him with my arms crossed

He brought me back on the bed. He snuggled up to me. I forgot to set an alarm so I know we went way over the 5 minutes.

I heard a knocking at the door. So I told the person to come in

"Hey Ell you ready to go out?" Carley asked me

"As you can see I am currently held against my will" I said pointing to Arthur's arm tightly around me

"Oh I can fix that!" She said then ran off.

2 minutes later she has a bucket of water I think in her hands.

"Carley...what are you doing?" I asked

"I'm waking up your fiancee" She said about to dump the water

"Carley....I'm in his arms. Which means Im gonna get wet too!" I yelled at her annoyed

"Well that's the price i'm willing to pay" She shrugged slightly and dumped the water onto Arthur and I

"What the Fuck!" Arthur yelled after being dumped with most of the water. He looks at me then at Carley who's holding the bucket. "You are so dead Levi" He said getting out of bed

"Eric!" Carley said and ran to I assume Eric's room. Arthur chases after her

(Arthur's POV)

"Get back here Levi!" I said chasing her.

"No!" She said still running then went into Eric's room. She closed the door

I just walked in because its my parents house. So i don't have to ask to enter.

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora