New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)

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(Eric's POV)

So yeah it's been a month since thanksgiving. And Billy did in fact tell the truth. He passed away a week after thanksgiving. Carley stayed home with the kids while I went with my mom, Michelle, James, Mikey and Tessa to the funeral. Mikey and Tessa didn't have much to say probably since they had the least time with him

But my mom told her story of how dad was before I had my disability. Michelle talked about the good times. I even said a few happy times. James did say some good things too.

Billy had a few friends left so they were at his funeral. They all said that he was really upset that he left our family. But if he was really that upset then he wouldn't have left us in the first place.

Anyways tonight is New Years Eve. Which means another party. This year we are going to host because Carley and I decided that we wanted to give my aunt and uncle a break.

So for the party I think we are gonna get sushi, pizza and wings. James, Michelle, Mikey and Tessa and I all love sushi. So since Carley and I are paying for all the food. That's what I'm gonna get. Carley secretly likes sushi too but I know she rather have pizza.

It is currently 10:30 in the morning. And I have been up for about an hour. So has Carley. We both just wake up early now. Carley is going back to work in January. She teaches English and she is the cheerleading coach.

But since she recently had Noah 3 months ago. She has been staying with him. I have been working at my physical therapy place. I think some of my favorite clients are the ones who have similar accidents to mine. And I tell them the story about me. So they always have more hope at the end.

Carley and I have been in the kitchen just talking and having breakfast. We even made coffee because we usually don't have coffee anymore. Especially when Carley was pregnant. But now that she is no longer pregnant, she is able to drink it. I have missed coffee, but I know that Carley has missed it a lot as well. We don't normally get Dunkin anymore. Only on special occasions.

We heard footsteps coming down

"Here comes EJ" I said lifting the coffee cup up.

"Mommy, daddy!" EJ said

"Morning bud" I said. "Why don't you sit while I get your plate ready" I said to my first born

"Ok!" He said with a smile

"I'm gonna go get the others" Carley said and kissed my lips quickly. And kissed EJs head. Then went upstairs to get the three others.

"Alright buddy do you want apple juice or orange?" I asked him as I was at the refrigerator

"Apple juice!" He said with a smile

I grab the Apple juice bottle. I got a cup out of the cabinet. And put some of the Apple juice into the cup. I gave EJ his food and drink.

"Here you go bud" I said

"Thanks daddy" He said with a smile

I feel my phone ringing. So I took it out of my pocket and see it's one of my workers calling.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hi Mr.Wilson sorry to bother you. But someone is on the other line asking to speak with you" One of the female workers said

"Who is calling?" I asked

"It's Rachel sir" She said

"Ok. Rachel you can put that person thru" I said to her

"Will do sir" She said

After a minute I heard one of the clients say something

"Hi I'm Dr.Wilson" I said on the phone

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now