A Murder Mystery

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(Quick note: I can't be bothered to make another author note so I just wanna say that I'm working on ANOTHER book, it's mine and my friend's XFOHV AU and I'll be writing that at the same time as this book. It's called 'Missing' so stay tuned for that if you want ig 👍)
"I already told you, X! Something's up with him, and we have to figure out what it is," I was eavesdropping on a conversation between G, X and Y. The only reason I even came across this conversation was because I was following G so I could kill him.. but obviously, I can't. "G, we don't know for sure yet. We'll have to investigate further so we know what we're getting ourselves into," X told G for the fifth time already.

"BUT THAT'S THE THING! I DO KNOW WHAT WE'RE DEALING WITH!!" G shouted at him, the confidence in his voice was quite startling, honestly. "Then why didn't you say so before?!" Y asked  angrily. It was about time she said something, she's just been standing there this whole time silently. "I checked P's phone and she had messaged N the night she went out. The message asked her to come to the library 10 minutes before the time she left. It was only the day after that I found her body IN A DUMPSTER BY THE LIBRARY'S METAL STAIRS!!" G was making them feel stupid, how did they not realise before?

I had to get out of there before they spotted me. I ran as fast as I could to get away from them. I can't let them catch me.. I can't.. I know what they'll do to me if they catch me, and I don't want to go through it. "N..?" A worried voice behind me spoke. I had stopped running by now and I stood outside F's cave. I turned slowly, unaware of who I would see next. It was V, oh how I hated him.. something about him just gets on my nerves.

"Are you okay? You seem like you're out of breath.." V asked, quite concerned and confused. "Uh.. yeah. I'm fine, don't worry about it," I told him. It was partially true. Moments of silence and blank stares were shared between us, until I saw an opportunity. V was always the adventurous type, but always backed out when he got scared. Why not venture into F's cave? I'm sure there's something in there I can kill him with.

"Hey, V? What do you think of exploring in there for a bit?" I pointed towards the tall, black cave. Unsurprisingly, his eyes lit up at these words. "YES!! Let's do it!!" He said enthusiastically. Oh, how stupid everyone was. We walked into F's cave, V was enjoying this since he knew F was.. dead... and that he thought he couldn't be hurt. That's what he THOUGHT. He was quite fascinated by the goop all over the walls, he even decided to touch it.. yuck. "Hey, N! I think this tunnel leads to the main area," V gestured towards the left tunnel, he started walking through and I followed.

We reached the main room, it was full of spikes. As expected, there was something to kill V with! It was all going so well. V picked up a random pebble on the floor and inspected it closely before putting it back down again, he smiled and picked up another. I was getting tired of this 'pick up pebble and put back down' stuff, so I started my attempt of killing him. "V! Why don't you come and look at this cool looking spike?" I told him, he turned around quickly, a neutral look on his face. "Oh! Okay!" He walked over, I was behind him.
"Looks cool.. doesn't it?" I let my expression change to a psychotic smile. I was just moments away from successfully getting my third kill.

"It does look pretty cool.. I wonder if it's sharp! It probably is.." V said to himself.
"Oh, I can help you find out.."


A stabbing noise..

It was done. I pushed V into the spike, and now he's dead. "That was... easier than I thought.." I said to myself, quite unsatisfied to say the least. I turned to head out of the cave. Oh.. if only it were that easy..





"I think he's unconscious.. should we take him now?"

"Better now than never, we need to do this now."

Now.. a murder of this monster will not be a mystery. We have this all figured out..

[word count: 767]

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