The Major Fall, The Minor Lift

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Quick TW!
This chapter has swearing involved, so if you do not like swearing, i advise you skip those parts.

1 Day Later

Everything is going well so far, no one knows what happened to O. They all just came to the conclusion that he had gone missing, which was partially true. I had to get rid of someone else, the temptation of killing someone was to much for me to bare anymore, but who should I kill? Who gets in my way the most... or.. who is keeping my mind off of what I'm trying to do?

I know. P is. She's been nice to me since it all started, giving me second thoughts about all this. She has to go. I pulled out my phone and opened up my messages to P.

My phone vibrated, who could have messaged me? Maybe G? No, it was N. What could he possibly want? "One new message from N.." I spoke to myself quietly. The message was short and simple, usually he'd send me long and detailed messages, but not this time. The message read: 'Can you meet me on the roof of the library at 9:30 PM?'. I was confused for a moment, but I replied back with a simple 'Sure', and put my phone away.

She really had no idea... she had no idea what I wanted and what I was going to do. After this is over, I'll finally be concentrated on what I should be doing, no second thoughts.

At 9:30 PM

I arrived at the library, walking around to the back. I saw the metal stairs, they were rusty and old. Walking up those stairs, I saw P already on the roof, admiring the view. She turned around to look at me, quite startled. "Oh! There you are, N," she said to me. She seemed happy to see me. I can't wait to get this over and done with. "Hey, P.." I said quietly, walking over to her. She was perched on the edge of the building, the perfect position. "P.. do you even wonder what happened to O?" I asked her, hoping for an answer.
"Sometimes... I wonder if he's still out there, looking for all of us. L is pretty sad about it," she said, trying to hide the sadness in her voice. She really has no idea..

"P, what would you do if I told you.. O was dead?" I asked, watching her closely. Her eyes widened and she gasped quietly.
"W-what? How do you—"
"Because I killed him," I interrupted her, standing up quickly. P stood up too, staring at me with a shocked expression. I could sense her take a step back. "I killed him P. Do you know why? Because he deserved it, and so does everyone else," I said bitterly, slowly walking towards her. "All O and L ever did was bring me down and tell me I would never achieve anything, those fucking idiots.. and you all then manipulated me.. to kill someone who was once my best friend... what kind of fucking friend does that?" P was now at the edge of the building, almost falling off.

"N, please, let's talk about this!" She begged, did she really expect to get out of this alive? If so, she was terribly mistaken. "I'm done talking, say goodbye. You deserve this," I said, with no expression on my face whatsoever.
"WAIT, NO!—"...

I heard a loud thud a few moments later. The sight down there was.. gruesome but... I liked it. I was smiling inside and outside while I watched her fall, reaching her hand out to me. I had to get rid of her body somehow. I ended up stuffing her in one of the dumpsters out back.. a bad idea, but it worked.

For once, I felt like what I was doing was right. No one was going to stop me now. No one.

A major fall for P, a minor lift for my mission.

Everything is going to plan...

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