Grief And Insanity

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Quick TW!
There is swearing again.. and mentions of gore, sorry :'D

!G's POV!
After P hadn't come home last night, I naturally began to worry. Why didn't she come home? Was she okay? Did something happen? I hope not.. she said she was going to the library, so I figured I'd go and look for her. When I arrived at the library, there was an odd mark on the floor, it was quite faint. It looked like it had splattered everywhere, and it was.. red? I'm sure it's nothing. I opened the door to the library, no one was there. "P! Hello? Are you here?" I called out for her, but I got no answer. I had called out for her several times before checking every aisle of books to find her.

After looking in the library for a good while, I made my way outside. Where was she? I walked around to the back of the library, my intentions were to walk up the old, rusted stairs that led to the roof.. but something caught my attention. A smell. It smelt putrid and vile.. but it was coming from the dumpster? I assumed it would just be rotting food or something like that, though I just had to be sure. I carefully opened up the dumpster... and I was met with something horrifying and sickening.

P's body lay in the dumpster, lifeless and cold. Her lower half almost detached from her. Her back was split open, her spine was snapped in half... who the fuck did this?! I shed a tear, and that single tear was filled with so many emotions. Fear, anger, disgust, worry, confusion, sickness.. and grief.

I don't think I've ever woken up with a smile on my face like I did today. Something about that night just made me want to smile and be happy, I wasn't sure why though. As I stepped out of my room, I heard a knock on the door. Who would want to knock on my door at 9 AM? Without thinking any further, I went to open the door. I saw G, he must be here to ask me about P.. the bitch that died the other night. "Hey N.. sorry to bother you so early," he said glumly, he looked close to tears and that made me happy. "No worries! What can I do for you?" I asked with a bunch of positivity haunting my voice.
"Do you possibly know where P is..?" G asked sadly, he sounded desperate. Was he that obsessed with her?

"I don't, sorry," I didn't even sweat at his words, he would never suspect someone like me of committing such a crime.. and that was the best part. G sighed quietly and turned away. I watched him walk off slowly with his head down, it somehow made my day to know that another death had affected yet another letter. I closed the door and freshened myself up for the day, I was going to go out and see if I could pick out my next victim.

As I stepped outside, I was met with 5 letters. G, L, M, X and Y. "N! We need you to come to the park. We're gathering everyone for something extremely important.." Y demanded.
"I was just about to head there myself so I guess I can come," I replied, I didn't know what this meeting was about at that moment. X grabbed me and pulled me all the way to the park because I was 'being too slow' yet I hadn't even moved yet.

At The Park
"As much as I don't want any of you having to know this, the matter is so serious that I can't just stay silent about it," G announced "After what I found last night, I highly doubt that O is still alive.." all of the letters began whispering and chattering to each other worriedly, all except for L and M. L was just staring at the floor, a depressed expression on his face. I swallowed hard at G's words. They'd found her body. I knew I shouldn't have put it in that dumpster...

"What do you mean? How do you know?" U asked curiously, he definitely wanted to know what he had found. "I know this because.. I found P dead," G finally admitted.  Everyone gasped, and cautiously looked at one another. "N? Why are you.. smiling?" Y asked. Everyone went silent. Shit.. I didn't even know I was smiling. "I am? Oh, sorry.. I just thought of something funny! Could you repeat what you said? I didn't quite hear you.." I lied, G gave me a suspicious look before repeating himself. A sad expression was worn on everyone's faces.

"We need to find out who brutally murdered P and O, otherwise we'll all end up like them," X informed. A few letters nodded in agreement, others just watched X sadly. I noticed G staring at me, watching my every move.. he was definitely onto me. "I suggest we all have something with us at all times to be use as defence, just in case," Y added "Me and X will keep a look out for any suspicious activity or any.. dead bodies..". After that, everyone starting heading home including me. As G was walking, he kept stealing a quick glance at me. That bastard...

As I entered my house, I had my usual dose of psychotic thoughts.. how to kill my next victim, how to get away with it, and who to kill. G was onto me.. I think I have my next victim. I'd have to play it cool for a little while, no more murders for quite some time. About 2 days should suffice, anything to keep my plan going. I can't let some purple bitch ruin this for me..

P is dead, stopping me from having second thoughts about this and yet I can't help but think...

What has driven me to this insanity?

[1002 words help D':]

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