1 Day After F's Death

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This story is written mainly in N's POV, but will change occasionally. It will tell you whose POV it is in before the paragraph, keep this in mind while reading, thank you! <3

I sat down on my bed, just staring at the wall. I had nothing better to do. I probably stared at my wall for a good 5 minutes before getting up and leaving the room. I looked out of the window, everyone was just going about their day like nothing had happened. Did they even care?

After watching everyone for a little, I decided I would go to the park and just relax for a bit. I really needed it after yesterday, the last thing I want is people pestering me about it though. I walked over to the park, trying not to get noticed. Somehow, I managed to get to the park without having to exchange a word with anyone.

I sat down on one of the park benches, and fell asleep for a bit...

About 30 minutes later...

I woke up to the sound of someone's voice. Great, now what am I supposed to say? They're going to bring up F, I just know it. I opened my eyes to see G AND P? Great, just great, what am I going to do now? "Hey N! What are you doing here?" G asked enthusiastically. I didn't want to answer at all, but it would be rude not to. "I-I just thought I'd come here and relax for a bit," I stuttered? Why did I stutter?

"Well, me and P just thought we'd come and say hi," G explained. I didn't want to say hi, that's the thing... "How have you been?" P asked, hoping for an answer.
"Fine..! Perfectly fine.." I said, trying to make it sound convincing, but all I got was a concerning look from both of them.

"N, if you're still upset about yesterday, you can talk to us about it!" P said. Did she really think I wanted to talk about yesterday? What was up with her? "I have to go.." I said quickly, jumping off the bench and quickly walking home.

When I got home, I thought to myself.. F's death wasn't my fault, it was everyone else's fault. They never cared about F, only I did.. but I'll make them care.. I'll make them all pay for what happened to him...

Just you wait...

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