21.5 Lies that we tell part 7

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Lila. Oh man. Never had Adrien taken so much pleasure in spiting someone. The poor girl was stuck between scowling openly when she thought no one was looking to looking mildly disappointed whenever one the girls tried to console her. It was hilarious.

All the drama guaranteed that he was dead tired when he finally got home, but not tired enough not to match the glare that his father sent him when he stepped inside the mansion.



"I would have had reason to think that you understood your circumstance after our last meeting."To his father's chagrin, Adrien let out a loud and mocking laugh. He met his father's bewildered gaze and struggled to hold in a smirk, "So, 'Miss Rossi' told you, huh? I knew she was quick, but not this quick."

Immediately, he could tell that he had caught his father off guard by the way Gabriel's whole expression tightened. To his credit though, he did recover quickly. "What is the meaning of this, son?"

"Nothing out of the usual father. I mean, by your standards, I've always been a rebellious one, haven't I?"


Adrien stayed quiet as his father spoke on, "It is clear to me that your friend's have been nothing but a bad influence on you. As such, you are not to attend public school any longer."

Adrien shrugged, "Okay."

He started to make his way to his room, pretending to be ignorant of the gaze trained on him. Before he turned the corner into another hallway though, he spared one last glance over his shoulder, "As such, since you're so fond of reminding me of my rebellious behaviour, don't be too surprised when it eventually gets out of hand. Know that you have brought this upon yourself, and know that while you may think it, I wasn't asking ridiculous things of you father."

With that he walks off, heart beating erratically in his chest. He knows that him and Plagg had practised this about a million times, but that didn't mean it was any easier.

If his father had thought his model son had been trouble before, it was nothing compared to how Adrien was going to be now. Channelling Chat Noir had never been easy in his civilian form but sometimes, when someone made him too angry, the sass came out full blast. While Chat Noir was fully and wholly a part of him, Adrien hadn't yet learned how to integrate him in his day to day life (except at a few chosen moments or in front of a few chosen people). That's to say, Adrien had no problem going all out when things got rough.

Like now.

He was barred from leaving the house effective immediately after the 'stunt' he had pulled yesterday, nothing that Adrien hadn't expected. His old tutors were called the very same day, and it was settled that his home-schooling would resume the following morning.

Funny thing though; when his teachers arrived the next day, Adrien wasn't there already waiting for them. After waiting a good ten minutes Natalie was sent to his room but lo and behold, Adrien was nowhere to be found. After that, a house wide search ensued with no result and just as the adults were getting ready to head out and make the search Paris wide and this a proper emergency, Adrien decided to walk into the foyer in his pyjamas and bed hair. He pretended to look confused as Natalie screamed at him about how worried she was and when she finally calmed down enough to ask him where he had been, he just looked up at her innocently and said, "Didn't you check in the library? I fell asleep there last night."

It was funny seeing how Natalie's eye twitched and Adrien had no doubt that she had checked there. Of course she hadn't found him, who's to say he was sleeping in plain sight?

All in all, being able to scale bookshelves had its perks.

The news no doubt got back to his father, but of course his father decided it wasn't anything important enough to show up for. He probably thought that eventually his son would get tired of this nonsense and go to his will once again. back to bending

Adrienette one ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora