17: The Santa Claus Reveal

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The night before Christmas

All was calm, and there wasn't an Akuma in sight.

Which would be great if Chat Noir was anywhere else other than the rooftops of Paris freezing his arse off as he waited longingly for Ladybug to show up for a Night Patrol. Not a casual meet up between friends to exchange presents, not a romantic date under the clear skies to stargaze as they huddled up for warmth, a Night Patrol. If it wasn't for the fact this was better than sitting alone at home with Plagg whining for more cheese, Chat Noir would be a great deal more put out than he actually was.

There was a soft thump behind him and Chat whirled round excitedly to greet Ladybug. His eyes widened in delight as he took in not only the addition of a Santa hat perched on Ladybug's head but a large, brown, sack that she had dropped by her feet.

"Well, well, well," Chat Noir purred out, "I don't recall Father Christmas being so good-looking before. Can I sit on your lap? I don't believe I had a chance to tell you what I want for Christmas yet, Santa."

Ladybug rolled her eyes. "And a Merry Christmas to you too, Chat," she said in her best nonsensical voice.

"Speaking of Christmas," Chat Noir said sweetly, "are you it? Because I want to Merry you."

"Ugh!" Ladybug groaned. "I think you've final hit rock bottom."

"Not yet but I do believe I am a snowflake," Ladybug raised a quizzical eyebrow at that, "because I'm falling for you."

"Oh God…"

"Shouldn't you be on top of a tree," Chat asked innocently. "Angel?"

"Blah!" Ladybug pulled a face, "do me a favour. Never call me that again."

"But my Lady," Chat Noir protested with a smirk, "I would like to be on your naughty list."

Ladybug flushed bright red at that one. "You're incorrigible!" she snapped. "You know what. You can forget Night Patrol if you're going to keep making Christmas chat-up lines. I've got something else to do anyway." At this she hefted the brown sack back up onto her shoulder.

"Okay, okay!" Chat Noir cried out as he waved his hands up in an 'I surrender' gesture. "I'll stop. No more. I paw-mise." Ladybug groaned again but she didn't leave so Chat Noir was pretty confident that she wasn't going to leave anytime soon. "So what is in the sack?" he asked curiously. "Are those my Christmas presents? You shouldn't have."

"I didn't," Ladybug said curtly, "only one of them is for you." His heart did a little flutter at that. She got him a Christmas present! He was thrilled beyond belief. The only people who got him presents for Christmas before had been Nathalie ordering on behalf of his father and Chloe who obviously had someone order it on her behalf. No one had ever given it serious, deep, thought and painstakingly taken the time to deliver it to him before. "The rest is for all my classmates," she explained, "I was sick and missed the last few days of school. So I never got the opportunity to hand them out."

Chat Noir nodded sympathetically as he was briefly reminded of poor Marinette who was struck down with the flu for the last few days and hadn't been able to go to school. He had tried to visit her as his civilian self but his schedule had kept him horribly busy.

He hoped she was better now. It would suck to be sick on Christmas Day.

"I hope you're feeling better now," he said softly, "if you're still not feeling well I can deliver those for you while you go back to bed."

"That's sweet of you, Kitty," Ladybug smiled warmly, "but I'm fine now and could really use the fresh air. If you want to tag along and help me."

"I would be happy to. But first…" Chat grinned as he held his baton up over his and Ladybug's heads. He had tied a little sprig of mistletoe on it earlier before he left his room. "Mistletoe."

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