17.0 The Santa Claus Reveal part 2

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There is no such thing a lying in on Christmas morning in the Cesaire household.

Alya as rudely awoken by her younger sisters at six in the morning. There is a moment of confusion when she realised she was in bed but couldn't for the life of her remember how she ended up there. It got more confusing when she realised there was a shiny parcel sitting beside on the bed.

With a surprised blink, Alya reached out and picked up the parcel. It felt lumpy and soft so she immediately deduced it must be clothing and it smelt a little bit like a bakery which made her think of Marinette before she even read the gift tag.

Dear Alya, Marinette's handwriting read, Merry Christmas. Love, Marinette.

Alya ripped the wrapping paper without a second thought and squealed in delight when she caught sight of the scarlet red, fluffy, jumper that spilled out. It felt so soft and wonderful and looked brilliant with the big, black, spots that decorated it.

Marinette knew she would love all things Ladybug and this was definitely no exception as Alya hurriedly shoved it over her head. It fitted her like a glove and emphasised curves that Alya didn't even know she had.

She looked downright hot in this jumper.

"Jesus, girl," Alya murmured as she admired her reflection, "you've spoiled me."

She wondered how Marinette was able to get her present to her on time. The pair hadn't been able to see each other for almost a week (a first for them, Alya can now barely remember a time she spent so long without Marinette) thanks to Marinette's bout of flu. Every time Alya had come over to drop off some homework her poor, adorable, snuff-y best friend was fast asleep and impossible to wake up.

Before Alya could text Marinette and ask thought her door banged open and Alya found herself being forced out of her room by her younger sisters as the gift opening began. As soon as all the presents were opened and their parents were thanked, she was asked to help her Dad clean up, and then she barely got dressed (with her new, awesome, amazing, jumper on by the way!) when she had breakfast shoved under her nose and then asked if she'll help do the dishes, and then she had the vegetables to peel too.

Being the eldest sucks.

Alya was in the middle of peeling some carrots when the doorbell suddenly went off.

"Alya, sweetie," Mum said absentmindedly, "can you get that?"

Alya sighed but did as she was told. "Who the hell is it on Christmas day?" she grumbled to herself. "Everyone should be at home and - Adrien?!"

Adrien looked gorgeous and angelic as ever with his cheeks flushed pink from the cold and his green eyes sparkling with joy. He was bundled up in many layers but the most notable item was the pale blue scarf Marinette had made him for his birthday and its new matching woollen hat and gloves that were blatantly made by Marinette as well.

"Merry Christmas!" Adrien smiled.

"Hey," Alya grinned back, "Merry Christmas. Nice threads, Christmas present?"

"Yeah," Adrien's smile took a dreamy and sappy turn, "Marinette made them," he said with matching dreaminess in his voice, "I don't know how she managed to get the right shade to match my scarf. In fact they even feel as soft as the scarf. Marinette must be so talented to recognise the right wool without seeing my scarf more than a handful times."

Alya stared at Adrien utterly gobsmacked. How could someone be so clever and smart could also be so painfully oblivious sometimes?! It was obviously the right wool because it was the same wool! Alya's shock and disgust must have been extremely apparent on her face because Adrien suddenly looked really nervous.

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