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The two are left all alone in the castle, Dust does not like the quiet, it's just fluff


The castle is empty except for two monsters inside. It's quiet, unsettling. No one besides maybe Nightmare from the demon's likes the silence. Dust is no exception.

He doesn't know what's worse, the whispers or the quiet.

Staying in his room is not an option, being left with his own thoughts is unsettling and music won't be able to distract him for too long so after not even 30 minutes alone he starts searching for someone, anyone.

He spots Horror reading in the living room and immediately sits down next to the demon who in response puts his book down. "Hmm?"

The bigger monster frowns as he looks at him. He immediately notices the distress of the small mortal. "What's wrong?"

"I don't like being in the quiet.." 

Horror turns on the tv, some old western movie plays. He pulls Dust into a hug hesitantly. "Is this better?"

The mortal nods and hugs back. Horror looks at the movie and it seems like it actually caught his interest. Dust closes his eye sockets for a moment but quickly opens them and shakes the feeling of drowsiness away.

"Hey Horror.. why do you never hug anyone else and stuff?" The demon looks down at him and frowns slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"I've never seen you hugging anyone, kissing anyone and if someone makes a lewd gesture or says something lewd then you chase them out of the kitchen with the newspaper." 

The demon looks away immediately. "I guess I.. I don't know how to put it into words. I have trouble showing what I feel and the lewd things.. I guess I'm a bit disgusted, uncomfortable." 

"Oh.." Dust just hugs the demon more. The demon looks at him and lifts his chin before giving him a quick kiss and then looking away again with a small blush.

Dust squeaks and buries his face into his hands. "W-What was that for??"

The demon huffs before smiling. "You asked why I don't kiss anyone so now that's fixed." Horror pulls him into his lap and buries his face into his shoulder with a small smile.

Heaven, Hell and in betweenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz