Angel Cross (2 end)

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Those are 2 alternative ways that the first Part can end in


Way 1

It's been 2 weeks and nothing. Nothing out of the ordinary besides Cross texting someone at night and giggling like a teenager that said something to their crush. 

Cross quietly wraps a wing around him and looks at the door expectedly. Dust frowns as he looks at the angel. "Why are you looking at the door like that..?"

"You'll see." There is a notification sound and Cross picks up his phone before smiling. Dust has a bad feeling about this.

Out of the sudden the door gets yeeted open and Dust tenses as Dream walks through them. Now that the door is open the sound of fighting is very much hearable. The mortal freezes and gathers his magic in his hand to summon a bone attack but he is interrupted and doesn't do it as Cross wraps his wings around him.

"It's okay. This is Dream.  He came here to save us."  Cross tries to calm him down. Dust gets up, moves the wings out of his view and freezes in horror as he sees Nightmare in the doorway. For once the demon lord looks scared, terrified.

Dream touches the two of them and without a warning everything goes black.


Dust wakes up and stops himself from purring as someone pets his head. That was a weird dream, never again. He opens his eye sockets and freezes as the one called Dream looks down at him with a smile.

"Good morning, are you alright?"

Dust sits up and backs away into a corner. The thing that he was laying on is a mattress not his bed. This is not his room. Dream frowns at the mortal. "Don't be scared, it's okay."

Suddenly the door opens and Cross walks into the room. He sits down next to Dream and gives him a peek on the cheek. "What's wrong Hun?"

Dream turns to the soldier and frowns. "He seems to be scared of me.. is he alright?"

Cross frowns and gets up before going to Dust and sitting down next to him, he wraps a wing around the mortal. "Hey it's okay. This is my lover Dream. He won't hurt you."

Dust stops himself from panicking. Panicking in this situation won't be good. Is Nightmare okay?? How are the others? What if they are hurt?! He will have to message them once he is alone-

Without a warning Ink walks into the room, instead of sitting down next to Dream or something he goes in front of Dust and crouches down. The next thing he does is take the mortals hood off and smirk. "So you're not a demon after all."

Dust glares at the demon. "Ink, careful now. Mortals are pretty fragile." Dream comes closer. The demon looks at him and nods.

Cross hugs Dust but the hug doesn't feel friendly at all, it feels as if the angel was trying to keep him in place. "This won't hurt a bit."

Ink puts his hand on Dust's chest before taking it away. The mortal struggles. Suddenly a word appears in front of the demon. It says [Overwrite].

The next time Dust wakes up he is happy with his angel friends and the handsome demon. He helps them fight with the demon lord owning the land and that haunted castle that the angels hate.

But why everytime time he fights does the demon lord look so sad? 


Way 2

It's been 2 weeks and nothing new seems to happen now aside from Cross's growing frustration. His memories of them are non-existent, it hurts Dust deep inside. 2 weeks of reporting to Nightmare and pretending to come back from tortures and nothing.

Nightmare is patient but his patience just ran out. He brings Cross and Dust into the throne room by a portal and while the angel is far away the mortal is right in Nightmares grasp. Horror and Killer stand next to the throne that Nightmare is sitting in.

The mortal knows that it's only a play to fool Cross but he can't stop himself from being nervous about this.

Dust quietly admires the throne room. It's so much better with the chandeliers and decorations, it will probably get broken again but for now it's back to its former glory.

"I got an offer for you angel."  Nightmare holds Dust just above his lap, bridal style, the tentacles swaying above the two of them. Dust has to constantly remind himself to not relax in his hold and to seem tense.

Cross growls quietly but doesn't say anything, he is trying to keep his wings folded but they puff up. Nightmare replaces the hand holding Dust with a tentacle and traces Dust's cheek with his claw.

"You'll work for me and I'll keep this mortal unharmed. Otherwise." One of the tentacles points at Dust's neck, it may seem sharp from afar but from here he sees that it is not.

"No! I'll do it!" Crosses composure breaks. Nightmare grins as he teleports Dust away. "Well then. Horror, show him around the castle."

The demon bows to the demon lord before walking to the angel.


Dust sighs as he walks through the hallway. He isn't sure if this will work at all. From what he knows before Cross joined from his own will not like that..

"You feeling down?" Dust perks up at Killer's voice. He didn't even notice the demon approaching him. The skele tilted his head.

The mortal nods and the demon clicks his tongue before shaking his head. "You worry about him too much. It will be okay, we still have each other and Nightmare." 

Dust looks away and sighs. Nightmare is strong but is he strong enough to deal with and reverse this? He misses the old Cross. Killer sighs and unexpectedly pulls him into a quick kiss before pulling away.

"You need to focus on something else. Overthinking stuff won't help." The demon huffs.

"But on what?" 

"On me for example." Killer grins and this time as he pulls Dust into a kiss the mortal kisses back, from an innocent kiss it soon turns into making out, that is until Dust gets dragged away out of a sudden and finds himself shielded from the world by a pair of white wings.

"What were you doing to him, demon?!" Cross is furious. Dust sighs, worst timing possible, he had forgotten that now the angel can walk around the castle and got a bit carried away.

"Nothing of your concern."  The mortal can hear the sound of footsteps. After they fade away the angel seems to calm down and lower the wings before looking him over for injuries.

"Are you alright? Stay close to me, I can't protect you when you're far away." Cross looks at him in what appears to be concern.

Dust nods before he sighs quietly. This will be a long day.

Heaven, Hell and in betweenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora