Demon perfume

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Dust buys a perfume in a shop for demon's, unfortunately it is not a normal perfume

Having monsters and demon's in one world is weird cause like sure I can have for example sucubus bird demon but like when it's a dog monster then it gets confuseing cause hellhounds?? Should they just be humanoid or not?? Can a dog monster demon not be a hellhound but a diffrent type of demon?? A- this is so confusing

The city is a scary place, but Dust is more scary, especially with that ring that Nightmare gave him, allowing him to see demons in disguise and places hidden from mortals. 

He walks through the city and stops as he sees a perfume shop. Maybe he could buy some nice smelling perfumes from there. A lot of demons stay away from him because he 'reeks like killer' whatever that is, maybe it's an insult, maybe no, he isn't sure. 

He walks inside the shop and looks around. A, that's, a lot of perfumes. He has no idea what to choose. He walks through the shop until he notices an aisle filled with.. questionable looking toys and things. He immediately yeets as away from that aisle as possible.

"Ya need some help choosing darling?" The shopkeeper seems to notice his confusion. It's a succubus. 

"Yes actually." Dust watches as the demon pulls out three perfumes from underneath the counter. "We got those 3 on sale, cherryblossom, spicy and alluring scent of cherry's. Fresh breeze, refreshing, mint and delicate fruity boom, strawberrys, raspberry and other fruits."

Cherryblossom is in a red bottle,  Fresh breeze in a blue one and fruity boom is in a pink one.

Dance looks at the perfumes and frowns slightly. He doesn't want the cherry one, the mint one is just a no, he came here for a perfume not something that smells like an air freshener and the fruity boom eh, that sounds like something for girls. "Is there something more intense?"

"Can I?" The demon looks at him, waiting for an answer. Dust blinks, what exactly is the demon asking? "Uh yes?" 

The succubus sniffs, straight up sniffs him. "Had fun didn't ya darling? Ya smell of sinners and is that.. The smell of a demon lord?? Oh my, that will be hard to cover, luckily we got the thing just for ya." The demon leaves for a moment before she comes back with a different perfume.

The bottle is in all the colours of the rainbow, it reflects the colours around it. The shopkeeper places it in front of it. "This is what we call the fantasy overload it's a intense sweet and musky scent."

Dust sprays a bit on his hand and takes a sniff. It's a strong perfume, it smells nice. "How much for that?"

"Lets see hmm." The demon counts something quietly. "Well, not a lot of people buy it darling so I think 40 dollars should be enough."

Dust gives the money to the succubus before coming out of the shop. He sprays himself with the perfume before putting it into his pocket. 

The walk to the castle is peaceful, that is until he meets those demons that were on the ball again. "Hey are ya alright?" The bright one follows him and Dust has to stop in his tracks. He can't show that being the way to the castle.

"Are they keeping you in there somehow? What did they do to your wings, are they.. keeping your halo hidden from you??" He turns to the skeleton and blinks in confusion. Just what is that guy talking about.

"Dream don't get close to him!" Ink pulls the being away quickly. "That's a incubus can't you smell that?! He probably has small wings and horns and that's why you can't see them."

Ink lets go of Dream as the skele backs away a bit. There is a third skeleton that Dust didn't see at the ball, smaller than the two, without wings nor horns. "Uh guys, maybe he is just a mortal like me?"

The two turn to the small one and start arguing. Dust takes the chance and quietly leaves the three there.  He walks to the castle and once inside he goes to the living room.

Horror is sitting there along with Killer and Cross is drawing something on the floor. Sitting down on the sofa he has a feeling that the demons are watching him more than usual. "What?"

"You better wash yourself as quickly as possible." Dust looks at Horror in confusion. "But it's just a perfume." The mortal takes it out of his pocket and Killer quickly snatches it along with Horror.

"That scent is like a clear invitation to fook for other demons, normally used by incubi, how did ya get that?" Horror looks at him for an explanation, while Killer stares at the beautiful rainbow bottle.

"From the perfume shop, there were also other things.. in there." Dance scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You walked to a shop with supplies for succubus and incubus type demons, wonder why they didn't kick ya out. Can I borrow that?" Killer shakes the bottle.

"Ye sure." The demon immediately sprays the perfume all over himself before running in the direction of Nightmares room. 

Horror sighs. "He is gonna regret that. I'll buy you a normal perfume later today." Dust sits down on the sofa next to Horror. "Thank you."

They spend the rest of the day watching the Tv. Until Cross finishes his drawing and starts proudly showing it to them, it's supposed to be a drawing of them but in reality it's just 5 stick men with accessories but they prize him for it anyway.

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