"About what?" Her gentle voice spoke to me.

"For what I did, you know?" I said shyly. C'mon dude you're not a little girl to speak like this "About the hug." I finally managed to say.

She stopped walking "Kian you must be kidding! What you did is greatly appreciated, don't ever be sorry or regret doing it, okay?" She said and I can't tell how she's feeling, but her respond comforted the sh*t out of me. Gosh, I didn't realize how terrified I was till she comforted me.

"You uh... you pulled away so I thought that you felt uncomfortable" I explained.

Franny's POV:

"You uh... you pulled away so I thought that you felt uncomfortable" he said shyly, oh my god he's so cute like this, wait what? Me? Felt uncomfortable? He must be kidding

"Kian this hug was....was" was healing me, but I don't want to say this in front of him; he's trying to be a good friend and I don't want to put our relationship in another level that may cause it to collapse.

"It was so nice of you, it was so comforting" I smiled at him and he smiled back - oh my god I can't stand this hot smile.


"So do you live alone?" I asked Kian while he was opening the door of his house.

"No, I live with my father but he's in work now." He stated, I wonder where his mother is but if she's not living with them I guess it's a tragic story that may ruin his mood so I got rid of my curiosity and shut up.

"If you're wondering about my mother, they're divorced." He answered my mental question walking into the house.
At least it's better than what I expected, but still, it must be a bad memory for him.

"I'm sorry for reminding you." I apologised "It's okay." He said as if it's nothing.


"What do you want us to do?" Kian asked while we were sitting on the couch in his living room "I don't know, but let it be a food thingy, I started to get hungry." I said.

"Let's make something, what about cupcakes?" Kian looked at me while I was taking my cardigan off.

"This is a great idea! Let's get started" I said excitedly "Okay you can go to the kitchen, I'll come within a minute." Kian said smiling at me and I nodded.

I heard Kian talking on the phone, but I tried to distract myself because it's extremely incongruous to spy on him, so I started searching for the ingredients.

Kian came in while I was putting the flour in the mixing bowl; we was working in silence, we may add some comments about the steps or goof around but nothing too important.

After putting the cupcakes' mixture in the oven, we sat on the chairs next to the dark-coloured wood table.

"We have to do this again someday." Kian said looking at the floor.

"Yeah, absolutely. I would love to." I nodded.

Hell yeah, I would love to spend the day with Kian everyday, I would love to see his cute smile everyday, I would love to hear his husky voice everyday, I would love to see his deep hazel orbs everyday, I would love to see his hot.... oh my god how did that even come to my mind?!!

How can he manage to enter my heart from the first day together? It's amazing how one day someone enters your life and the next day you're wondering how did you live without him before.

"Oh, I forgot!" Kian cut my thoughts off, he took the purple box -Mr. Steven gave to him- out of his pocket and opened it just to expose an outstanding gold bracelet with some magnificent charms.

"Give me your hand." Kian extends his hand towards me smiling, I gave him my hand and the smile disappeared when his eyes fell on my scars, oh god not again! Thank god he took his eyes off of them and smiled again wrapping the bracelet around my wrist.

I pulled my hand to admire the sight of the bracelet on me -or at least that's what I was going to do- when Kian wrapped his fingers around my hand and stopped it. Oh god, why the hell am I shivering? I can tell that I'm blushing hard though I can't see it.

Let's add his touch to the list of the things I would love to do everyday.

My eyes were placed on our hands but I can see Kian from the corner of my eye smiling with his eyes on our hands.

"Thank you sooo very much, it's so beautiful." I said smiling at him and he smiled back.

"Glad you like it." He said looking at me now "I didn't like it I adore it." I commented.

"What do you think about the charms?" He put his eyes on the bracelet again and so did I.

"They're more than magnificent." It was true, they were stunning "Are you the one who chose them?" I asked and he nodded "It's not a coincidence too right?" I asked smiling at him.

"You're right." Kian smiled at me and I chuckled.

"There were two reasons you chose the sweatshirt for, what're the reasons that you chose these charms for?" I'm really so curious about this.

"It's too early for you to know, but I'll tell you some day." Too early?!! What does that mean? At least there will come the day he'll tell me about it.

"Promise?" I raised my pinkie smiling "Promise." Kian smiled back intertwining our pinkies.

The oven timer peeped for us to know that the cupcakes are ready. Kian sighed, left my hand and got up to take the cupcakes out of the oven.

He put them down on the table next to me and said: "We have to wait till they get colder, want a house tour?" I loved the idea.

"Sure!" I smiled brightly at him "Let's go." Kian said guiding me to the kitchen's door.

We were stepping on the second step of the stairs when the door bell rang, I felt my heart between my legs and my eyes widened as much as possible.


OMG 5 chappies to talk about one day and I'm not done yet! Sorry for being the worst writer ever ^_^
But there's a lot of details you should know!

Hope you liked the chappie! Leave your thoughts in comments please and don't forget to vote!

♤Random questions♤

What's your favourite song at the moment?

◇Describe love using 3 words

Bye loves♡♡♡

28 May 2015

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