Chapter 7:Obtain the Necklace(?)

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1st PoV:

"Alright Marik, what progress has been made in obtaining your sister's Necklace," I ask him with an annoyed look "None, I haven't had a chance to get it from her since the beginning of the Tournament" I sigh "I guess you don't want this back," I say twirling the Rod "I could always just..., take it!" He says, jumping up to grab it from me, I had expected this, so I used the Rod and threw him back in his seat. "You've unlocked how to use the rod's power?" He gives a face of shock as I smirk "Of course, you think I would just hold onto it without trying to use it" he growls "I'll get you my sister's Necklace, and then I expect the Millennium Rod back" "I am a woman of my word the second you give me your sisters Necklace, the genuine thing, you can have this right back until then I'm going to sleep until your sister's and Kaiba's duel tomorrow" I say practically shoving him out the room with the Rod "Millennium Rod" I chant "Create a Sanctum with a barrier in which no act of harm or evil may befall me or anyone who enters" I watch as the eyes center glows and barrier of light coats the room "Millennium Rod" I chant again "cloak thyself to the peering eyes of others except for mine" I watch as the eye glows ones more this time the coat of light covering the Rod itself, I then set the Rod in a corner of my room and lay down now drain from the Rod.

3rd PoV:

She swiftly falls into a peaceful slumber...

1st PoV:

I nicely and peacefully wake up in my room to see a Yami-Bakura sitting mentally defeated in a chair "Let me guess you attempted to harm me in my sleep" I say to him with an annoyed look He looks up at me "What have you done to this room" he asks irritated "I tried to strike you in your sleep only to be reflected by a force, I proceed to try again and again, over and over until you were just starting to wake up and I just ended up collapsing in to the chair I'm in now" I walk up to him and rub his head and back "Don't worry about I'm sure you'll murder me next time" I smile "Well if you would like you can accompany to get some food" he just looks at me with a confused expression "I admit to trying to murder you and all you have to say is ok, 'you'll get em next time', what is wrong with you" I giggle "It's pretty simple Bakura" I lean in and whisper "You aren't the first to try, you won't be the last" he glares at me while I just stand-up straight and begin to walk to my door" I turn to him one last time "Word of advice, many have tried, none have or will succeed, now come have some food with us or just me" I head to get some food and when Ibreach the area, I see almost everyone eating or collecting food except 'Namu' & 'Marik' and of course Ishizu as she wouldn't appear until her Duel against Kaiba "It seems like the placement of the matches has changed as I believe Kaiba & Ishizu's match was the 3rd in canon, though I don't believe the placement of this match will change much as the others would" I mumble recalling the events of canon "Oh hey, Irene" I hear Yugi says he approaches me "Hey Yugi how are you feeling" I ask concerned if anything is wrong "To be honest I'm a bit on the nervous side, having to just watch the 1st round is nerve-wracking" I chuckle "I could only imagine" I give him a caring smile "But hey at least it gives you to time to make plan to save the world" instead of being shocked he just laughs "You sure know a lot more then you let on don't you" I smile "Of course, it's part of my charm" I turn after "I'll be taking my leave there's some stuff I wish to do, I will see you at the match"

3rd PoV:

She starts walking and makes it back to her room with a plate of food, she enters and sees Bakura is gone "Wonder where he wandered off to" she sits in the chair placing her food on the coffee table "Hmmm, I wonder" she reaches her hand out and focuses "Millennium Rod..., come to me" ... "Awww~" a few moments later the Rod rushes at her, which she barely dodges and the Rod slams into the wall "H-holy fuck" she exclaims in a panic before removing it from the wall and attaching it to her side "Well it's hidden to others so attaching it my side won't do me any harm" she reasons with herself. "Attention all Finalists the 2nd round of the Battle City Finals is about to begin" hearing this she rushes to finish her food before heading to the spectator's area where she awaits for the round to start.

1st PoV:

I watch as the dueling arena rises while I hear Joey & Tea talking with Yugi about what they think the outcome of this duel will be and I notice a somewhat worried expression on Mokuba's face so I turn to the gang "Hey guys I'll be right back" and I rush around to the other side of the arena not even waiting for a response and walk over to Mokuba "You ok" I say with a concerned look "Yeah I just am worried about my brother" he says "Why, your brother is THE Seto Kaiba, he won't lose" I say with a smile, he laughs "Yeah, but who knows what his opponent could have up there sleeve" his frown returning, I bend down to be at his level and cup his head with my hands "I can assure you, Seto will not lose" he goes wide-eyed as I say this "Yeah, your right" he says with new-found confidence in his brother "Did you see the future of his Duel, is that what makes you so sure?" I laugh."You believe I can see the future, with a brother like Seto..., I find that hard to believe. " he rubs the back of his neck with an embarrassed chuckle."Ha, yeah, with how skeptical Seto is, you think I would be too, but I..., it felt too real at what happened at the Duelist Kingdom to be some type of trick" he states confidently, I smile "Well I do know a possible future of this Duel, but I don't need to know the future to know your brother won't go down, especially not without one hell of a fight" I state smiling and Mokuba smiles as well "Thanks Irene" I just shake my head "No need to thank me, I'm simply stating the facts" I then stand up and watch the Duel unfold.

As the Duel reaches its climax, I watch as Kaiba is about to attack with Obelisk, I check the Millennium Rod, and I see the center of the eye glow. "I wonder..." she focuses, closing her eyes and opening them to see what Kaiba sees in the anime. The vision of Blue-Eyes "Interesting" I mutter before returning to the present. Kaiba summons his Blue-Eyes soon after and wins the Duel "The winner of the 2nd Round is Seto Kaiba" The suit announces as the arena begins to lower, Mokuba rushes up to his brother "Nice job big bro" I walk up beside him "Nice one Kaiba, you defied destiny" I say smiling "Ugh, I heard enough of that destiny garbage from her, I don't need to hear it from you" I just laugh in response and pat his back "still nice work, what made you decide to summon blue eyes instead of attacking with your Obelisk?" I ask seeing if he will tell the truth or not, he doesn't even answer "Whatever, well if you excuse me, I have things I must go do, Ta ta~ for now" I say walking off and heading in the direction that Ishizu left in, I walk up to her door knowing she immediately returned to her room "Come in" she says before I even knock or say anything "Her future vision is so cool" I think to myself before I enter her room, I stare at her with a blank expression "I assume you know what I want" I state "I do, you were going to ask me to give you my Millennium Necklace, but unfortunately I have no intention of handing it to you, I plan to give it to-" I smirk "The Pharoah so that it may aid him on his quest to save the world from the danger that is your brother, or more accurately his other half, I assume that is what you were going to say" I as finished her sentence for her and added on my bit she looks at me with her eyes slightly wide "How did you..." I smile again "You're not the only one who knows too much my dear" I reach my hand behind my back "I'm not a bad person I am just someone who wishes to experience things others don't get the chance to, while my 'future sight' is useful, I believe I could refine it with the aid of a Millennium Item, more specifically yours" I state with a sweet tone "Like I said, I'm not a bad person, in fact I'm willing to Duel you for it, or if your more willing, I could trade you for it" I say pulling out and letting the Rod reveal itself to her as her eyes go wide "How did y---" "Your brother isn't the best liar, I snatched it from him and told him the only way to get it back is if he gets me your necklace, but If I get your necklace from you and not him than our deal Is null-&-void" I point it to her "So what do you say, do we have a deal" she has a look of contemplation before she ultimately sighs "It would help prevent Marik from causing more harm, so you have yourself a deal" I smile wide "Yay" I then hand her the Rod and she hands me the Necklace which I quickly put around my neck "Target aquired, have a great night Ishizu"

With the necklace now within my possession, I spend the next few hours practicing using it before I fall into a pleasant sleep.

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