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1st Pov:

It's been quite a while since Atem left, I stopped counting, and I decided I needed to get away from it all, I am living in the same neighborhood with Valon & Rafael. Valon & Mai..., I think they're in a relationship, as I see him hanging out with her a lot more and they even have spent the night at each other's home. I get letters from the gang updating me on their lives and reminding me I'll always have a family with them and it keeps my heart warm, "Damn, I guess Trauma-bonding does work, if I hadn't had the risk of dying in the past with Atem, I don't think I would be mourning the finding peace of a long dead man, this much" I sigh "Whatever, well this has been my adventure in the anime of Yugioh, what could be next, I have no clue, but whatever it is, I know..., or we'll hope, I will have my friends by my side"

I sigh before laying on my bed and I begin to hear strange sounds and lift my head to see a strange portal thingy "Fucking da-"

3rd PoV:

A Shadow tendril rushes from the portal and pulls her through it.

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