Chapter 4: A Deal with the Devil

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1st PoV:

*A few days before the start of the finals*

I was spending the day with Tea & Joey just wondering about the City until we heard a distressed voice "Somone help" we turn to look and see a dark-tone man with purple eyes holding a boy with white hair, my eyes immediately widen "It's Bakura, He's hurt" I hear Tea say from beside me "I just found him lying on the ground" the other man says "He doesn't look so good" Tea says "He needs to go to a hospital quickly" the man says " I could take him" I offer "though I may need some help, I don't know if I could carry him on my own" I lie knowing full well I got an anime boost in strength "since you found him maybe you could tell the doctors what happened when you found him Mr....." I say looking at the man, faking like I don't know who he is "Oh, my name is Namu, and no need for the formalities" he says giving a convincing smile "Ok then, Namu could you help to assist taking Bakura to a Hospital" he looks at me for a moment  before saying "I would be happy to help" I give a fake smile "Thank you, I'll see you guys around" I say waving to Tea & Joey "Bye Irene" I hear them say

After we get Bakura checked in and 'Namu' gives a recollection of the events to the doctors we exit the hospital and I walk with him making casual small talk until we get to a more secluded area "So 'Namu'..." I say, giving him a smile. "What's up?" He says with a confused expression "Would you mind explaining to me why you lied to me & my friends back there" I say with a close-eyed smile as I twirl around and face him, although he doesn't show it on his face I can see an expression of shock in his eyes "What do you mean?" He says putting up his best act "Well the funny thing is, I see when certain people are lying, not always, and not everyone because some people are better than most but with you, I could tell immediately from when you said you just randomly found Bakura to when you said your name was Namu" I say my smile turning sour "So care to explain" his expression doesn't change "I have no clue what you're talking about" he says confidently "Oooh~, almost convincing, unfortunately for you...  Marik" I say in a sweet to deadpan voice as his eyes go a bit wide "I might have grabbed this from you," I said pulling out his Millennium Rod from my bag and I twirl it "I may have some proof" he seeing he can't keep the charade for much longer drops the voice "What is it you want, girl," he says in his Iconic voice "Glad I separated him from the Spirit 1st, that sadist would've probably killed me" she mentally notes.

"The question isn't what I want, it's what you plan on doing," I said holding up the Rod and then pointing it at him "Hmmm, do you think I could use it to mind control you the same way you did to Joey and Tea" I can't help but giggle at his face "I jest," I say holding my hand down "Though and I'm going to ask that you release Tea from your control" he growls "How could you possibly know I have her under my control" I smirk "I had a hunch, thanks for confirming" I lie having known it the whole time, he looks baffled that he fell for my 'trick' "You know what I think I'll hold on to this," I say twirling the Rod again "Return it to me this instant" "Or what, you can't use the power of the Rod without the Rod and you can't use it to summon your Rare Hunters either" he groans "How do you know so much, girl" "Well since you asked so nicely, Similar to your sister" he tenses at the mention of Ishizu "I can predict the future, without the need of a necklace, though I wouldn't mind having it" I say lying about the future part "I'll make you, a deal Marik" I say in my best impression of him "You get me the Millennium Necklace, I will be more than happy to give you 'my' Millennium Rod" I giggle afterwards to his annoyance "Though if you do actually accept this deal I wouldn't mind" I say "Sorry Ishizu, Future sight & other mystical powers are just too awesome to pass up" I mentally apologize. He glares intently before raising his hand "I wouldn't be opposed to that idea" he smirks "But are you willing to make a deal with the devil" I laugh and smile sweetly before I grab his hand "Funny I was about to say the same thing"  I shake his hand before retracting it "See you at the finals" I start walking off "Oh and say hi to Odion for me" I smirk even though I can't see his face I can just imagine the look on his face as I reach my home I make sure to lock everything and set alarms and traps in my decently sized apartment, in case he does try anything before I lay on my bed holding up the Millennium Rod "Now that was a sweet deal, maybe..., perhaps...., probably not. " I drop the Rod on my bed. In the end, Marik will still end up with his rod and a chance at the 3 God cards.

3rd PoV:

"I wonder if I can use this thing." she holds it up again and focuses. The center of the eye slightly glows. "Oh, progress?" She spends the next few hours messing with it until she whirls the thing around again and suddenly one of her pillows flew across the room "Ooo~, did I unlock the Yami-Marik telekinetic thingy" she says standing up off her bed and pointing it at the same pillow and focuses, she watches as the pillow slowly levitate and she chucks it at a wall "Neat" she does it again but this time doesn't throw it "Hmm I wonder..." she focuses."Boom..." she looks at the Pillow "Awww" after a sigh of disappointment the pillow expands and pops like a balloon into a bunch of cotton & feathers "Awesome" she says with delight "I wonder if the other items can do the same or similar things" she wonders "Ugh but now I have to clean this mess up~" she whines " "Well The Finals are soon, I wonder if there is gonna be 10, 9, or maybe even 8 like canon since my interference with plot" she wonders "I guess I'll have to wait and see".

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