Chapter 2: The Fortune Teller vs The Psychic

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3rd POV:

"1st day of the Tournament, I wonder who my 1st opponent will be?" She mutters while wandering the city as she noticed multiple duels already starting. She was lost in thought until she heard a whiny pre-pubescent voice "Impossible!" She heads in the direction."I know that voice..." she says to herself as she approaches the crowd and worms her way through "Yep just as I thought, Rex Raptor" she mumbles as she sees him on his knees in defeat after he has lost a duel "You never stood a chance against my psychic powers~" she hears an eccentric voice trying to sound intimidating.

She sighs "Oh it's this duel" she watches as Espa Roba takes Rex's 'Serpent Night Dragon' & Locator Card and mocks Rex, "Arrogant Punk" she mutters before he turns to the crowd and boldly states "Is anyone else brave enough to face me" there are a bunch of murmurs in the crowd before without thinking she raises her hand as she confidently stares at him "Me," she says mustering the loudest voice she could without muttering due to the crowd.

Espa laughs "Ha, another pathetic nobody dares challenge me & my Psychic power" she makes a *ch* sound in annoyance before boldly stating "let's duel bowl cut, I really wanna wipe that look off your face," she says with a new found confidence to absolutely decimate this man. She walks forward takes her deck out of the purple case and inserts it into her duel disk "May I know the name of the person I am about to crush" he says confidently "The names Irene" she says with a sickly sweet smile "Nice to meet you, Espa Roba, how are your brothers" she says with a smirk, she watches as his smirk turns into an expression of shock "What do you know about them" he shouts in anger. "Oh I know many things, you may be 'ESP' " she says mockingly as she smirks "But I can see the future" she boldly states "Aka I watched the anime," she thinks to herself as he practically growls "Are you doubting my Psychic powers" she laughs "Not at all, I just think your not all that good," she says before reaching into her deck and pulling out a random card, "My fortune says my luck today will be..." she looks at F.F. En she sighs "Super Awesome" she says imitating Carly Carmine from Duel Links, she puts the card back into the deck and shuffles it, she glances at him and sees him pissed "Are you mocking me!.." he hisses out "No way a duel monster card can tell you the future or your luck" she smirks "Well if your ESP, I can see the future with my cards" she drops her smirk "Enough talk..." their Duel Disks sync. "Let's Duel!" They shout in Unison.

Their Duel Disks LP is set to 4000, and they both draw their starting cards. "Ladies 1st," she says mockingly which he lightly growls at but says "If you insist on losing so badly," he says before playing a card "I summon 'Cyber Raider' in attack mode"
Cyber Raider Atk:1400/Def:1000
I watch as the hologram forms with pure glee on my face "Awesome" she thinks to herself. I see him place a card in his duel as he states, "I set 1 card face down and end my turn," "My turn..., I draw" she says drawing the top card from her deck, before I can continue he puts his fingers on his head and makes an *Ohmmm* sound "I will now use my Psychic powers to see what cards you have in your hand" he waits a few seconds before giving a face of shock "What are those cards I have never heard of them before" she smirks "Of course, you haven't they're rather exclusive and I have the only ones ever printed" she lies confidently "No matter I will beat you regardless" he states confidently "Well if your done, I activate the effect of my Fortune Fairy En from my hand, since I drew it I can special summon from my hand"
Fortune Fairy En: Atk:000/Def:000
"So what it has 0 atk p-" he starts "would you stop interrupting me," she says aggressively "the effect of En activates, if she is special summoned from my hand she can destroy 1 card on my opponent's field" she points at the back row "I choose to destroy your face-down" she watches as the card shatters like glass from a petite fireball En threw, she watches as he groans obviously needing that card "I then tribute En to summon Fortune Lady Dark"
Fortune Lady Dark: Atk000/Def:000
"Why tribute for a 000 atk monster" he shouts "are you mocking me" she gives a devious smile "Well partially but also Lady has an effect, 3 of them actually, the 1st one is she gains 400 Atk/Def for every star of her level so 400x 5 stars is..., well you do the math" "No" he whines "2000?!"
F.L. Dark Atk:000/Def:000 ---> Atk:2000/Def:2000
She giggles "That's not all, for every turn my Lady Dark remains on the field she gains 1 level, you know what that means "his eyes go wide eye "Her attack will continue to grow" "That's right~" "Of course, I don't want this duel to drag out for too long so I activate the Magic Card 'Fortune Lady's Calling' " she plays it "This card allows to summon another Fortune Lady since I have at least 1 on the field" she searches her deck "I summon Fortune Lady Water to the field"
F.L. Water Atk:000/Def:000
"She shares 2 effects with Dark, but her boost is only 300× making her Atk/Def only 1200"
F.L. Water Atk:000/Def:000 ---> Atk:1200/Def:1200
"But she has another effect. If Lady Water is special summoned, I can draw 2 cards." She says, drawing 2 more, totaling her hand to 4."Just my Luck I special summon Fortune Fairy Swee from my hand. "
F.F. Swee Atk:000/Def:000
"I activate her effect that allows me to banish one of your monsters until the start of my next turn if you survive that long that is" she points at his only monster "I banish Cyber Raider" she watches as the monster gets sucked into a small whirlpool summoned by Swee, she plays a spell card "I activate the continuous spell, Miracle Stone" A Magic Stone appears from the cards base and glows in all the colors of the rainbow. "Miracle Stone's effect increases the atk of my monsters for every different Fortune Fairy on the field"
F.L Water Atk:1200/Def:1200 ---> Atk:1700/Def:1700
F.L. Dark Atk:2000/Def:2000 ---> Atk:2500/Def:2500
F.F. Swee:Atk:000/Def:000 ---> Atk:500/Def:500
"And with no cards on your field to defend you, this match seems like it's mine," she confidently states. "Lady Dark, Lady Water, & Swee, attack." "AHHH!" Espa lets out an over-the-top anime scream as his life point quickly dropped to 0
Espa Roba LP: 4000 ----> 0000

"Well there I beat you, Espa Roba so that means you hand over your Locator Cards, I don't truly care about your Jinzo though, so you may keep that" he looks at me wide-eyed "I never showed you Jinzo, how could you have known it was in my deck," he says frantically "As I said, I can see the future" she lies with a confident smile. He hands over his Locator Card without much fuss after that , and I proceed to walk away from the scene.

"1st day of Battle City , and I already have 3 of the 6 Locator Cards needed," she mutters as she heads home.

Just My FortuneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora