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Laying Nina down in the middle of her bed is an act I never thought I'd do.

Her arms were around me, holding me close to her while her legs held me even closer. At that point, I had fully succumbed to her and all I could do was let her have me the way she wanted.

It didn't matter how.

I was in her room—feeling her body against mine and I had no intentions of letting go or stopping. I wanted it, more than words could bring justice do and it showed in the utter desperation dripping from me.

Why the fuck did she do this to me?

Nina ran her hands down my back, stealing my breath away with small kisses along my neck and jaw. She didn't stop, and I didn't want her to. Not when I was that fucking close to her. Not when I had envisioned that precise moment more that I'd like to admit.

I closed my eyes, enjoying it while it lasted because I didn't want it to end.

My brows were pinched together as I held myself up on my palms, feeling the muscles in my arms flexing as I tried not to crush her.

Her lips were soft against my skin, a velvety and warm feeling just gently scraping against the parts that had small groans sounding from the back of my throat. She knew what she did to me and she continued doing it until every last bit of restraint vanished within me.

Having a look around her room was the last thing on my mind.

"Nina," I breathed, supporting myself on one hand while the other ran down her cheek.

Her eyes were low and her lips were swollen, showing me the work I had done on the way to her room. She smiled at the sound of her name, and I felt her legs tighten around me in a way that pulled me closer to her.

We were both clothed, but my dick was snugged between her thighs and I groaned when she moved her hips. Fuck—I had never been that close to anybody.

Could she tell how inexperienced I was?

I pulled away from her, letting the tips of my fingers slide across her jaw. I couldn't stop admiring her as I savoured the sight of her underneath me and the way it seemed as if she wanted it just as much as I did. Nina grinned, and I smiled too when I saw her dimples show on her cheeks.

"Stop," she whispered, moving her head and hiding her blushing face. Her legs were around me, our bodies nearly flushed but the way I looked at her had her shying away. My smile stayed, only because it was endearing to know that I wasn't the only nervous one.

"Stop what?" I asked softly, using my fingers to turn her jaw.

Her eyes met mine, and I felt my own breath shudder as I struggled to comprehend how anyone could look like that. So beautiful. It was almost beyond belief.

The vibration on her bedside table snatched the moment away.

I turned my head, frustrated and irritated with the interruption and my face contorted into a scowl as I saw the name Cheryl pop up on her screen.

I had expected Nina to ignore it—or anything else besides her next move.

My face fell, feeling her push at my chest as she crawled out from underneath me. She's answering the call? Right now? With the lack of contact, I wanted her back immediately but Nina didn't seem to mind too much.

"Give me a sec," she whispered, grabbing her phone.

I sat up, resting my back against her headboard as I watched her with my patience slowly vanishing.

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now