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Can you come at eight? I thought it'll be earlier but Cheryl's making me take her kid to the barber. I'll see you later, Theo.

The loud voice of my professor drowned out the second I caught a glimpse of Nina's text.

It didn't matter the time—as long as I got to see her. It was the thought that kept me going through a day of back to back classes. That, including the events that happened just that previous evening.

How fucked up was it that whenever I closed my eyes, I could only envision the feeling of her soft kisses. It ruined me, and I thought about it since the second I woke up. Minus the dream I had. But I wasn't going to let her know about that and what I did to her in my sleep.

She'd probably run for the hills.

I stifled my smile, reading back her message to see that she had sent me a picture.

Look at this mess.

I opened up the image, letting out a small chuckle when I saw the spilled chocolate milk over a fluffy white carpet.

She didn't have much classes that day, letting me know early in the morning that she was going to spend the afternoon at work. Thankfully, I didn't have any appointments and could use my free time as I chance to get my head straight. I needed it. I needed to calm myself down.

I quickly typed out a reply, forgetting that I was in a very important class and I was supposed to be paying attention.

While the professor ranted on, I couldn't focus. My mind was on Nina, and it was not about to let her go that easy.

I groaned silently, running a hand over my face as a method to shove some focus back into me. It didn't work and I pushed my phone into my bag, letting my eyes fall on the man discussing the projector image of a tall building.

I leaned back in my seat and spread my legs, bouncing my knee as my hands found their way into the pockets of my jacket.

What have you done to me, Nina?

When my lecture ended, I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

The stagnancy of it was driving me fucking insane, especially because nothing sunk in and any attempt to absorb information was useless. What the fuck was wrong with me? For whatever reason, I felt as if my body couldn't fully relax.

Because I had nothing else to do, I headed to the gym.

I thought it would make me feel better, but no—it made it worse. I pushed myself to my limits, but nothing could release the tension stuck in my muscles.

It was frustrating and I took said frustration out on a boxing bag. Nothing changed.

My mind was fixated on Nina, and I couldn't think of anything else besides how pretty she looked on top of me. And how her hands caressed my skin. And how she told me how good I was doing. And her genuine interest in how my day went. That girl...

No, really, what have you done to me?

A few hours later, I closed my apartment door behind me and headed straight to the kitchen for a cold bottle of water.

As I chugged the cool liquid, my phone rang and I was half-expecting it to be Nina. Imagine my disappointment when I saw Brian's name.

I stared down at it and wiped my mouth, watching it ring because I wasn't in the mood to answer it. Brian only ever called me for one thing, and that was to take over for one of his appointments.

Nina |18+|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora