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What am I doing?

I was supposed to be in bed, cuddled up with one of my pillows while I pretended to revise for my class tomorrow.

Instead, I was sat next to Theo in his car—for the second time while he drove us to Sally's.

I played with the hem of my shorts, finding a loose string and I busied myself by twirling it around my finger.

It was a distraction from the man sitting next to me, because all I wanted to do was stare at him. In order to not be a creep, I looked at the brightly lit road ahead and pretended it was the most interesting view.

My side still stung, and ached whenever I moved too much—but I would have been more concerned if I didn't feel anything at all.

It was hardly a bother, especially because I was occupied by trying to act fucking normal.

I glanced at Theo, surprised to see that he was already looking at me.

"You okay?" he asked, his brows pinching together into a concern frown. "You'll tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable, right?"

I shook my head, shutting down his statement immediately. "Trust me, I'll let you know."

Of course I will, but Theo hadn't done anything to cross a line— there might not even be a line. Perhaps he wanted to be my friend, which I had no issue with considering that I was lacking in that department.

He was nice enough, and he didn't look at me inappropriately. Or he was just good at hiding it. It didn't matter. We were only about to get a coffee, and my mouth almost watered as I envisioned sipping on the goodness that Sally offered.

"Good," he replied, his lips clamping shut as he stopped himself from saying anything else after 'good' "I mean, it's good that you'll let me know."

I nodded, letting a smile spread across my lips. "I can't wait for my coffee. I might regret it, but you mentioned it and I've been craving it ever since."

Theo's smiled too, it showed in his slightly squinted eyes. He was cute when he grinned, and although it had only been a day—he wasn't as tense as the first time I met him.

"After today," Theo started, turning the wheel with one hand. "You deserve a little treat."

It made me wonder if Theo did all of this for his other clients, but the question didn't leave my tongue.

After a few more seconds, I sunk into my seat and gazed at him with my lips pursed. I wanted to know, mainly because I needed to know if I should feel special or not. Most likely not, but there was no harm in asking.

"Do you do this often? For your clients?" I asked, tilting my head to the side as I observed him. Theo let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head as he continued driving. "Don't laugh at me. It's a genuine question," I said, narrowing my eyes at his profile.

Was he laughing because he did, or was he laughing because he didn't? Besides the obvious smirk on his lips, it was hard to read him and man, did I want to read him.

"Nina," he said my name, the little accent he had slipping through as he pronounced the syllables "What do you think?"

I stared at him for a moment. "Is that a trick question?"

"It's not," he answered, pulling into the lot of Sally's. "I could answer you, but I'm sure you already know what I'm about to say. Don't you?" When he parked, he turned to look at me and his brown eyes translated the message he didn't bother hiding.

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now