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I got you.

"Are your classes done for the day?" I asked, sliding the seatbelt over my chest as I glanced at Theo.

It had been a week since I saw him last, and everything suggested that getting into my car with him wasn't a good idea—but I wasn't known for having good ideas.

Especially because he looked...different.

A good different.

A surprising different—even though it took me a few moments to figure out that he only looked that way because of the radiant smile on his face.

His cheeks were tinted pink and the wind had messed up his hair—in the best way. Not only that, but I had noticed his dimples on both cheeks for the first time. How I had missed it before was beyond me.

Theo nodded his head, shutting the door after he sat down.

I hated driving, and having Theo do it for me was relieving to say the least. It was just one of those things that I never enjoyed, and I always preferred being in the passenger seat after I had received my licence—after failing three times.

My favourite part about finally passing was never having to see that damn instructor again.

Theo's knees were pushed up against the steering wheel, a tell-tale of how tall he actually was. He scoffed a small chuckle, reaching underneath the seat to push it back and allow himself the extra room.

I was quick to react, not even thinking about it before I stopped him—by grasping onto his forearm.

"Wait," I blurted out, retreating my hand when I felt Theo's muscles tense underneath my hold. "You said you're done with your classes?"

Theo shifted in his seat, clearing his throat. "Yeah, why?"

"I'm done too," I explained, smoothing out the short dress I wore. "If we don't have to come back, you shouldn't leave your motorcycle here."

Theo looked at me with an unreadable expression, his eyes focused on mine in a way that almost warmed up my insides. "Doesn't matter." 

Doesn't matter? Of course it mattered.

"What do you mean by that? I asked, looking at him incredulously. "People steal things."

"Campus has overnight security," Theo explained, shrugging as he pushed the seat back and made himself comfortable.

He was right. The university had an attached hostel, and many of the students used the secured parking. Leaving his bike wouldn't be an issue, but I couldn't help but think of the inconvenience I was causing him.

How would he get to school the next day?


"Are you sure?" I asked, fiddling with the strap of my book bag. "I can drive, Theo. It's really not a—"

"Nina," Theo deadpanned, turning his upper-half to stare at me with those brown eyes. "You said you wanted me to drive, so I'll drive."


Shut the fuck up, Nina. Let the man drive.

"Nina," Theo said again, chuckling as his eyes glinted and his dimples dented in his cheeks. "Get on the back of my bike, or let me drive this car. Either way, I'm not letting out of my sight until I've made it up to you."

Cheeky. I narrowed my eyes at him, but glaring at an amused face hardly worked.

I rolled my eyes, breathing a sigh out of my nose when I settled down. "Fine. Drive."

Nina |18+|Where stories live. Discover now