A few minutes later, the cops left and Robert was left alone with Andy. Then he took her hand so that she could only feel his presence, in the way that was possible.

When Pruit arrived at the hospital, he soon saw Robert holding Andy's hand. Robert thought it prudent to release her, but she held his hand even tighter. She needed him and that was the only sign she'd given him since Ryan was shot. All this was seen by Pruit, but Robert didn't care, because at that moment Andy needed him and she was the only person that mattered.

Pruit: How is Ryan doing?

Robert: He's in surgery right now, but he arrived in pretty serious condition.

Pruit: And Andy?

Robert: She's in shock. She hasn't said a word yet. She doesn't cry. She shows no reaction.

Pruit: Thanks for taking care of her. If you want, you can go now. I take care of her.

Robert: If you don't mind, I'd like to stay a little longer. At least until we hear from Ryan.

Pruit watched the way Andy held Robert's hand tight and, as much as he thought it wasn't right, he could measure the pain his daughter felt and didn't want to do or say anything that would make the situation worse.

Pruit: All right. There's no problem with you staying.

The three sat in a corner waiting to hear news about Ryan. Time was passing and no doctor came to give them information.

Pruit: They're taking a long time to deliver news. We all need to eat something.

Robert: I can get you something from the cafeteria.

Pruit saw the way Andy was and then said:

Pruit: I'll buy it myself. You stay here with her.

Robert: As you prefer.

Pruit moved away, but he intended to observe from afar how Robert and Andy would interact in his absence. Robert again looked into Andy's eyes trying to give him confidence.

Robert: I don't like seeing you like this. If there's anything I can do to help you, let me know.

Andy remained silent, but increasingly holding Robert's hand.

Robert: I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay here, with you.

Though he couldn't hear, Pruit saw the interaction between them.

Pruit bought the snacks, and despite Pruit and Robert's efforts to convince Andy to eat, she still had no reaction and refused the snack.

Pruit was very worried about Ryan, but also about Andy. He remembered that the trip Andy had given him for Christmas was in a few days, but he couldn't be away from his daughter right now and he wouldn't be able to enjoy himself in Puerto Rico if something worse happened to Ryan. So, he decided that the best thing to do was to postpone the date of the trip.

Pruit: Captain Sullivan, can you stay with Andy a few moments longer? I need to make some important calls.

Robert: Of course. You can rest assured that I won't leave you alone for a moment.

Pruit: Thank you.

Pruit went outside the hospital. First he called the travel agency and asked to postpone the trip. Then, he called one of his relatives telling them everything that had happened and informing that it was still not possible to say when he would visit them. After making the calls, he returned to Robert and Andy.

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