Chapter 0 - A New Rule Part 2

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Protagonist - Mickey {still}

I walked over to the robot and other duck, the robot seemed to have been talking to him about something.

???: Are you sure no one is gonna-

??: for the hundredth time sir, no one here seems dangerous according to my scanner.

???: Okay, I just want to make sure. They night all be ultimates, which means anything could happen.

??: Understood sir!

Mickey: Hello....

Both turned to look at me, I felt a bit scared from the robot suit.

Mickey: uhm, My name is Mickey Mouse, and I'm known as the ultimate entertainer. And you two are??

They both looked at one another before looking back at me.

??: I'm known as the ultimate superhero, Gizmoduck at your service.

???: My name is Gyro Gearloose, Ultimate inventor. There we are done now-

????: Who said Mickey Mouse?!?

I turned my head to see a much taller Mouse scanning the room till he layed his eyes where I was.

Mickey: T-thats my name s-sir....

The taller Mouse walked towards me, Gyro and Gizmoduck.
As he got closer, Gizmoduck stood infront of me almost as if he was protecting me.

Gizmoduck: If your arriving to cause harm then I shall not let you pass!

The Mouse didn't let it bother him as he remained still.

????: I wasn't even gonna plan anything like that. Its just that name sounds awfully familiar but I can't put my tongue on it. Does the name Mortimer Mouse the ultimate rival bring anything to you?!

I shook my head, no.
Mortimer just frowned at that.

Mortimer: don't think we're gonna be friends Mouse.

Mortimer walked away again.

Mickey: Thank you Gizmoduck, it almost looked like he was about to do something.

Gizmoduck: no problem citizen! Just don't try and do anything with that one while I try and look into him a but more.

I nodded before spotting someone standing in a different corner of the room, a rabbit.

I decided it was best to try and speak with him before anything else.

I walked over carefully while everyone else was engage with a conversation, that was before I got knocked off my feet.

??: Whoopsie, Sorry there Pal!

I looked up to see a someone, Goofy began to do his laugh.

Goofy: Gwarsh, Sorry about that Mickey, Pete accidentally knocked you down.

Pete?: sorry about that one Mickey.

I laughed a hit before picking myself off of the ground.

Mickey: It's alright, I'm the ultimate entertainer by the way Pete.

Pete?: Nice to meet'cha, I'm known as Peg-leg Pete. I'm the ultimate car salesman.

Goofy: Me and Pete go all the way back to our high school days!

Mickey: you two remember one another?!

Pete: we sure do, I couldn't even get rid of him. Seriously I tried everything but every time it failed.

Goofy just laughed at his response.
I smiled at the two before walking off and right towards the rabbit male.

Mickey: Hello!

??: ......

Mickey: ......

Mickey: I'm Mickey, The ultimate entertainer. And you are?....

??: .....

Mickey: .....

??: I'm Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, must be really lucky remembering your own ultimate talent ...

Mickey: You don't.... remember your ultimate talent Oswald??

Oswald shook his head, no.

Mickey: I see.... That would be sad to not know what your go at....

Oswald: .....

Mickey: So, do you know who was the first person here?

Oswald: .....

I feel like that question wasn't the best to come out with.

Oswald: If my memory serves me correct, it was robot duck and the skinny one next to him. They were here before I showed up, then the others came in waves then you and the other Mouse with a bow showed up.

I quickly helped Oswald out by quickly introduced him to everyone but pointing to them and telling him everyone's names.

Oswald seemed happy with that.

Oswald: Thank you, that will help out a lot more.

I smiled and so did he, before I could even say anything to add into our conversation a loud screeching sound echoed throughout the room. Everyone tried covering their ears from it before the screeching ended before someone began speaking through it.

???: Hello?!? Hello!? Can everyone hear me?!?

No one responded to that question.

???: Well that's just rude! Anyways, I  can only pray and hope you are all in the same room.

The voice stopped before anyone could act, a black and white light bulb just randomly showed up in the middle of the room.

Josè: o que-
{Translation: What the-}

Pete: A light bulb??

Daisy: Shouldn't they be in the ceiling??

???: How rude!! I'm not a light bulb that belongs there!! My name is Monobulb!!

Mortimer: Monobulb?? Odd name.

Gyro: ....

Gizmoduck: Are you the one behind this?!?

Monobuld nodded.

Monobulb: Yes indeed, Well. A bit of it's me and another.

Darkwing: Another? Who?

Monobulb: That isn't important now! Right now we're gonna play a little game, if you win you escape! You fail, well.... Punishment is well deserved.

Panchito: What kind if game do you want us to play?

Monobulb: It's a killing game.

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