Chapter 0 - A new rule

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{At the beginning of every chapter I will probably change the protagonist so I will put it at the top so you know who's point of view you'll bee seeing it through}

Protagonist: Mickey

???: ......

???: .....

???: Huh?....

??: Mickey! Are you okay?

Mickey: Y-yeah I'm fine. Are you Minnie?

Minnie: Yeah I'm alright. What happened?

Mickey: I don't know...

Me and Minnie looked around the whole place, soon noticing we were in an empty room with nothing in it except for a light.

Minnie: What is this room?

Mickey: I don't not have a clue.

Mickey: Should we leave this room??

Minnie: Yeah, I'm not liking staying within this room.

The two of us left the room, well Minnie mostly dashed out of the room and ended up bumping into someone else. Causing both of them to hit the floor.

??: What the-

Minnie: Oh my goodness, I am terribly sorry!

??: It's fine, honestly.

?: Amigo! You okay?

I got out the room, spotting Minnie had bumped into a parrot while a rooster helped him get up on his feet. I helped Minnie up before we looked at the two.

?: You guys stuck here to?

Mickey: Yeah... Who are you guys?

?: Ah! Of course. My name is Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González III! I'm known as the ultimate Marksman! But please, just so you don't have to go through my whole entire name. Address me more like Panchito Pistoles.

??: I'm José Carioca, I'm known as the ultimate travel guide. What about you guys?

Minnie: Oh, I'm Minnie Mouse. I'm known as the ultimate bowtician.

Mickey: Mickey Mouse, I'm known as the ultimate entertainer.

José: It's an honour meeting two.

Panchito: Si! Si!

Mickey: (A Marksman & a travel guide. I think I remember hearing about them somewhere)

Minnie: It's lovely to meet you guys aswell! Is it just us four?

José: No, their are a few more here. Someone under the name of Oswald came and told us to meet within the ballroom. So we were just heading towards there.

Pachito: Si! The thing is... This place seems a bit.. how do I put it, Familiar?

Mickey: Like you remember being here.

Panchito: Yeah, but yet I don't have a bit of memory of how I know this place.

José: He's not the only one, I feel like I've been here before aswell. Just like him, I don't have memory of it.

Minnie: Right, so this place must have a bit of a connection to people who are here right? Then how about we all go to the ballroom and meet with the others.

Mickey: Yeah, that would seem the most reasonable way.

José: Alright, follow me.

With José as our guide, we followed him down a flight of stairs.

\| Ronpa & Friends |/Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora