41. Special Juice

Start from the beginning

Finally  our  dinner was done for today which was the most worst dinner i ever had in my life because Maddy was acting like he is the most humble person in the whole universe and can't do anything wrong I saw mom too glaring at him but Nandini made both of promise not to take any rash decisions which we may regret later so unwillingly we have to keep our mouth shut..

Finally everyone retired for the bed and I was here waiting Nandini to come to my room as today we decided to sleep together in mu room but here I couldn't  even see or find a single hair of Nandu.. I waited Finally I went to search for her to see she was going towards Maddy's room I too followed her to see what is happening and there he was ordering my pregnant wife to do all his works I couldn't hold anymore and entered inside the room without any notice..

M- She can't do all this you do it own your own....

Ma- Oh oh look who we have hear THE MANIK MALHOTRA...and why can't she do all this..

M- Because I said soo...

N- Manik just go from here I am handelling na..

Ma- See Manik my little dove is smarter than you . You kn...

As soon as Nandini heard that name she Started panicking

M- Just shut up never again call her by that name...(calming her)Shh Nandu I am here Don't worry...

Ma- Oh oh so much love..
Now go and bring mu water...
Or..(evil smile)

N- No no I am bringing Manik go back to our room I am coming...

M- No Nandu you are not doing this bastard works..

Ma- OK then I already have the vedio ready you know it will not take much time..

M-(realizing what vedio) You shameless bastard..That woman is also your mother don't you feel ashamed to do that to her..

Ma- No I don't feel and moreover Neyonika MALHOTRA can never ever be my mom understood now go or else..

M- You..

N- Manik tumhe Meri kasam you will stand here quietly....

M- But Nandu...

N- Tumhe Meri kasam...


Soon Nandini left to fill his water, make his night juice and put his used clothes to laundry....

Ma- This time I came with a stronger plan mera little brother I will snatch everything which you love and care for...

M- You bastard I should have teach you a lesson but for Nandini I am not doing anything but that doesn't mean that you are safe...

Saying this I left the room in anger..

I went to the kitchen to see the juice already prepared I Smirked as an evil idea came to my mind I quickly took the salt container and quickly added 10 spoons of salt , 12 spoon of red chili powder and whatever I could see in front quickly mixed it before Nandini comes back than quickly went to mom dad's room and then took the Muci-bael and quickly took 3-4 spoon  of them and mixed them..

Oh while doing all this I remembered my days in the space where fab5 used to rag Making them drink this all special juice..

S- Manik what are you doing here?

But my happiness was short lived as I heard dad's voice from behind shit did he saw what I did..

I turned back to see him yawning..Judging by his look he didn't saw what I did and just then an evil idea struck my mind I know if I or Nandu takes the juice he might throw it but if dad..hehe😎😎

M- Dad oh thank God you came actually can you please give it to Maddy...

R- What why me you go and give...

M- Actually dad he is little shy type he will not take from me you go and moreover he will be happy if you go you know actually he is an orphan (faking sadness)

R- Oh God that so sad ok don't worry I will go..

M- And dad make sure he drink the full juice ok do one thing don't leave until he finish drinking...

R- Don't worry about that Manik I will make sure he finishes every drop of it...

Saying this he left I too noticed Nandu is coming back and so quickly went to our room and pretended to sleep...

After sometimes I saw Nandu too came back and quickly prayed to God and slept beside me kissing my forehead...

N- Good night Meri jaan

I too quickly kissed her forehead and tummy and whispered...

M- Good night to you too my heart and heartbeat..

N-(surprised)Manik you are not asleep..

M- No but now I will and you will also come now close your eyes and rest a little...

Soon we both drifted to our own dreamland...


Meanwhile in another room of tge mansion someone was seen to be continously going and coming out of the washroom leaving his execretory products from both top and bottom..

And I hope everyone knows who is it...






Sorry for the short and boring chapter guys actually my exams are starting from next week so I thought I will start the main part after the exam is finished with clear mind but as many were asking for a new chapter so here it is..

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