Smeared Mascara

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After staring at the night sky and talking for hours, Lucia and Amelia started packing the blanket back and carrying the basket back home.

Amelia's face was turned to the ground for a while now looking upset. Lucia kept glancing at her girlfriend with a worried expression.

"Hey, Amelia?"

Amelia didn't respond and neither was she holding Lucia's hand, Lucia tried to get her attention again. "Amelia cmon look at me." Amelia still didn't respond until Lucia completely stopped walking.

"Keep walking what are you doing." Amelia asked finally looking up to see Lucia standing behind her with an expression she couldn't tell.

"Why wont you talk to me? We were fine a second ago"

"Lucia I- it's difficult okay? You wouldn't understand anyway"

"But I will understand you just need to let me know" Lucia walked closer hugging Amelia tight. Amelia's body started shaking, as she heard quiet crying from the girl.

"Amelia? What's wrong" Lucia asked slowly rubbing her hand over Amelia's back. "Everything is stressing me out everyone knows me as perfect and I'm not perfect but I have to be." Amelia quietly try's not to break down to much in front of her girlfriend.

"Hey, it's okay it's only me and you right now" Lucia assured her pulling back from the hug she held both of Amelia's hands seeing mascara run down her face. "It's not okay you don't get how it feels!" Amelia sobbed more on, "It's okay Amelia..I might not have been perfect but for me it's the opposite you know.? I wasn't perfect like people wanted..I think it was part of the reason people didn't like me" Amelia listened close to Lucia pulling her closer.

"But we need to communicate on these things..okay Blight?" She heard Amelia's soft laugh that was sore after crying. "Yeah I get it now.." Lucia took Amelia's hand and started walking. "Let's go home and help clean up okay?" Amelia softly smiled "I'd like that please."


As they finally got to The owl house Lucia led Amelia up the stairs to the bathroom. "Hey kid is that Blight?" She heard Eda. "Yeah can she stay over tonight?"

"Yeah yeah" Eda quickly dismissed it.

"Thank you!" Lucia grabbed a soft wash cloth and put it under water squeezing it out after so it's damp. "Amelia look at me so I can clean it off" Amelia turned to face Lucia, while she put one of her soft hands on the side of Amelia face and with the other gently dabbing the smeared mascara.

She wiped all the spots she saw and set the cloth down and went on her tip toes planting a small kiss on Amelia's head.

"There we go! As beautiful as always" Amelia's face had a rosy tint as she gave Lucia a kiss. "Thank you Lucia."

"Yup! Im gonna change in here you can go find something comfy in my closet to wear!" Lucia pointed to her room as Amelia walked in to it going to the closet. She skimmed through the clothes grabbing grey sweatpants and a white hoodie.

As she slipped off her skirt and put the sweatpants on they fit nice and snug and the hoodie did to. She sat down on Lucia's bed admiring all the collections that were most likely Edas.

"Those look nice on you" Lucia opened the bathroom door in black shorts and a tank top. "I look better in your clothes than you do" Amelia gave a playful remark. "Keep dreaming Blight" Lucia laid down on the bed next to Amelia turning to see her face as Amelia laid down as well. Lucia turned off her light and turned around.

"Goodnight" but while closing her eyes she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a body press against hers. "Hm your clingy much?"

"Mhm goodnight"


2 whole chapters!

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