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As Luna wakes up, she rolls onto her side, and grabs her pillow, as Kyle sleeps next to her. With her looking at the moon through her bedroom window, she hugs her pillow tightly, and then rolls over towards him. Putting her toes up to his ankles and nudging him to get his attention, her dream comes back to her. With the chills running down her spine, her stomach turns, as the outline of a medium size man, crossing his arm appears at the end of the bed. As she stares at the image, she then sits up, and rubs her eyes to get a closer look. And with dissipating seconds later, she then climbs out of bed, and walks over to where the man was standing, and becomes dizzy.

With her standing there shaking off the feeling, she looks around the room, as Kyle opens his eyes. As he sits up, he looks at her, and asks, "Luna, what are you doing?"

"I'm turning off the television," she says, as she feels for the shut off button on the television.

"You could have used the remote. It's right here. Come on! Come back to bed," he says, as he grabs the remote from under the pillow, and shuts off the television.

"I'm coming. Give me a minute," she says, as she walks over to the bed, and climbs in. Pulling the blanket up to her chest, she lays there, and look up at the ceiling, and thinks about the dream she just had, and the man that was standing at the end of the bed.

As he scoots over next to her, he puts his head on her chest, and then his arms around her, and looks up at her. Watching her being deep in thought, he asks, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about the dream I just had. It was weird. It felt real. There was a woman who was tied to a tree that was being burnt by a bunch of people. Then I was digging up some old bones in the woods, and a strange man appeared. It was almost like my dream was telling me something," she says, as she combs his hair with her fingers.

"Oh! That feels good. Keep combing my hair. It was only a dream. It doesn't mean nothing," he says, as he moves off her chest, and rolls away from her, and adjusts his pillow.

"Where are you going? Why did you roll over to your side" she says, as she rolls towards him, and watches him.

"I'm going back to sleep. I'm tired," he says, as he rubs his feet onto hers.

"You're tired? I'm talking to you about something. My dream was interesting. It makes me want to write it down. Even drive to The Raven in Salem and visit Laura and Victoria and tell them about it."

"Why?" he asks, as he rolls back over, and looks at her.

"Why not? I think it's a good idea to start writing my dreams down. I also think that the witches might give me some answers about the dream," she says, as she slides closer to him. As she puts her arms around him, she then says, "It seemed real. You seem to forget we only live 20 minutes from town. I think it might be a sign. Especially, since one of my ancestors was a bonesetter from Salem before the trials."

"Okay. Whatever you want to do. I'm tired. Get some rest. We have a few hours left before our day starts," he says, as he snugs up closer to her.

"But I don't want to rest. I want some attention," she says, as she hugs him tighter.

"Luna. Not now. I'm tired," he says, with a chuckle.

"But it's always not now! You're always tired," she says, as she stops hugging him. With him rolling away from her, she stares at his back, and then asks, "Why is it always not now?"

"If you want, you can rub my back or give me some attention," he says, as he rolls back over at her, and looks at her.

"Ugh!" she says, as she scoots away from him, and turns the television back on. With it lighting up the room, she then says, "You always want attention. You never want to give me attention."

"I'm going to bed," he says, as he closes his eyes.

With him instantly falling asleep, she closes her eyes, and listens to him snore, while a calm soothing effect lingers over her. And as she lays there, she senses that there's some type of psychic connection with the town, the recent dream, and the outline of the man. And with something telling her that she needs to write her dreams down, and go to The Crow in Salem, she then looks over at Kyle, and whispers, "Kyle! Are you asleep?"

"Yes! I just fell asleep Luna."

"I can't sleep. I'm driving into Salem to visit Laura and Victoria."

"Why? When will you be back?" he asks, with his eyes closed.

"Why not? I'll be back later," she says, as she gets out of bed, and walks into the bathroom. Quickly brushing her hair, and then putting on her clothes, she then walks downstairs and goes into kitchen, and grabs something to drink. With her having her drink, she then walks into the living room, and sits on the couch, and grabs the journal from underneath the cushion, and writes.


Thanks For Reading!
J. Sweet


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