Finnaly, I'm an adventurer! I think? (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

but who cares about that! today is the day i will register as an adventurer! Im so excited!

Mei and I asked the receptionist at the everlasting moonlight (the inn we stayed in) the directions to the guild hall. If we aren't stupid then it should be right around this corner.

"There it is!" I shouted

"Jeez, be a little bit more self aware. We are in public" Mei said

I looked around to see people glaring at us.

"Oops" i mean, any otaku would be excited seeing an actual adventures guild in another world!

The building and everything in its extirior looked like it came out of an fantasy world! Well, i am in one.

There was a sign with two swords crossed like an X. Surprisingly there was no windows on the building. It really was just a simple looking adventures guild.

I opened the door and walked inside the adventures guild, Mei followed suit. When we got in, people began to whisper and stare at us but i paid it no mind.

The interior was what you would expect in an adventures guild. Wooden walls and floors with wooden chairs and tables. The massive line of people queuing at the receptionist table was what caught my eyes. Oh there was also a bar, of course there was. What type of adventures guild was it if there wasn't one.

Me and Mei joined the que.

"So Mei, what do you know about adventuring?"

"I don't know a lot actually. I went to a school for nobility and they didn't though us anything about adventuring. I heard from my father that its very dangerous though."

"Oh right, i forgot that you were part of nobility"

"Really!? I told you last night right?"

"Yeah. I just have bad memories you see"

Mei sighed

"Umm, hey are you two registering? The person in front of us asked

"Yeah! I replied enthusiastically.

"The registration counter is that one" he pointed at an empty counter.

"Thanks! Umm, whats your name?"

"Oh, its Derik, d rank. nice to meet you." He extended his arms for a hand shake

I shook his hand. " my name is Kureha, and this is Mei"

Mei just waved at him

"Thanks for telling us"

"No problem, just be careful. Most adventurers don't take kindly to your kind."

"Thanks for the warning, we'll keep it in mind"

With that, we left the line and headed strait to the registration desk

"Hello! My name is Efil. Are you here to register?" A girl asked us, she looked like a 17 year old. She had pointy ears so that must make her an elf.

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