Stepping aside, she lets me walk in as she announces my presence to the rest of the house. A number of my nieces and nephews run at me, some wrapping themselves around my legs, hugging my waist, or trying to climb me like a fucking tree.

I don't really mind all that much, though. These little monsters—and all of my family—are breathing, living reminders that I'm loved. Even if I don't feel like it with what's been going on.

Madeline is the last of the kids to make it to me. The only difference with how she approaches me is with her signature little attitude. Arms crossed, scowl and brows drawn.

"You're late." She informs me.

I roll my eyes playfully, mirroring her stance. "Only by thirty minutes, missy."

"Still." She mumbles, looking behind me and then around the rest of the room. "Where's Cindy? I thought she was gonna come."

Before I can answer, my mom says:

"Mads, don't be nosey."

"I'm not! But if I was in love with someone like them, I'd take them everywhere with me." She shrugs.

"Madeline." My sister says sternly from behind her. "Cindy has a baby in her tummy, remember? She was probably just too tired to come." Her eyes find mine, concern clear in them. "Right, Levy?"


Except not right. She's literally avoiding me, and now I know for a fact my sister and mom have picked up on the fact that something isn't right. And with my track record with relationships, they're going to go tell the rest of my siblings and I'm going to be cornered and forced to answer questions. That's the last thing I want, but once they've sniffed something out, they're not going to drop it until they get answers.

"Oh. Okay!" She's smiling now, beaming up at me, and batting her long lashes at me. "Where are my presents, Uncle Levin?"

Even though my mood has gone a little sour, I still put on a smile for my niece.

"You know what? I think I forgot them at my house."

She gasps loudly. "You liar! Gimme!"

And then she jumps on me, demanding her gifts loudly while my sister tries to pull her off of me. But this is how we play, so I pretend that she's doing some kind of damage to me, and Madeline seems to be enjoying it.


After almost an hour of being trapped in the bouncy house with what felt like a million children, I manage to escape and head inside. My mom and Christina are in the kitchen, eyes following me as I open the fridge to grab a water.

I pretend like I can't feel them looking at me so hard, saying:

"God, those kids are insane. They all just piled themselves on top of me."

Neither of them says a thing. They don't make a single sound. I know what they're thinking, I know they think they know everything, and I want to turn around and tell them to just stop it already. I want to tell them that I'm fine, that everything's fine, but they're women. Women who have known me and seen me in almost every stage of my life. They're gonna get all the information out of me no matter how hard I try to keep my mouth shut.

"Are you okay, Levin?" Chrissy asks. "You seem down."

I shake my head. "Yeah, I'm great. Having fun with the kids and everything."

"We saw the video. The one from the party. You both looked pretty mad, and I know it isn't really our business, but we just want to know if things are okay between you guys."

I could tell them that Cindy and I have never been better, but I'm on the verge of tears, and I know they can see right through me when they both wrap their arms around me.

Never have I ever cried over someone I was with. It's never gone beyond disappointment for me. But with Cindy? It's different. Something about her felt... right.

She's brought me the kind of peace that I can't even begin to explain. She feels like home and heaven and love, and she's all I want. All I want now, all I want ever. And I thought she felt the same way.

"You said it yourself, Chrissy." I try. "She's tired."

"What happened?" She asks me, taking a seat on the counter.

A part of me wants to stay quiet, but another part wants to tell someone. Tell someone everything. Cindy already did. What's the harm in me doing it? Especially when I'm only telling family.

I'm about to spill my guts out to them when I hear the front door open. I only turn around because I feel her.

"I'm back! And look how I found outsideeee." Sarah sings happily into the house.

VERYYYYYY unedited
Update schedule is in the garbage atp.

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