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I fall asleep in the car, and when I wake up, I'm greeted by a gloriously beautiful face. A familiar one, one of my favorites lately.

A hum of appreciation leaves me. "Levin."

I sound all tired, and—oh, my God. Do I smell tacos?

Curiously, I twist my body in my seat to look into the back seats. Low and behold, TACOS.

He hums back, drawing my name out. "Ciiiiiiindy."

"You got tacos."

"I did."

"Good. I didn't get the chance to finish my dinner."

Levin rolls his eyes, his mood suddenly souring. "What a bitch."


He gets out of the car, coming around to open my door. I know he's not done talking about this by the way his brows are still knit together. He almost looks cute with that look on his face.

I can't help that I'm smiling all the while he helping me out of the car, talking about the mean woman he doesn't even know.

"I mean, seriously? How does she say something like that to you? I couldn't imagine someone hating you. It's not in your nature to be hateable."

I chuckle. "Thank you?"

"You're welcome—God, who does she think she is? And that piece of shit didn't say anything, did he? That's why he came out to talk to you. What a prick."

Jokingly, I place my hands on the sides of my tummy like I'm covering my baby's ears.

"Shhhh. Don't listen to him. He's talking about someone else's dad." I say, peeking up at Levin.

His lips curl. "Sorry, Cindy."

It surprises me that he doesn't acknowledge my son. How he doesn't say sorry to my unborn child like most would.

Hm. It's actually a nice change, not being treated like a mere vessel for another human.

"It's fine. I think it's cute that you got all riled up about it. It shows you care, and that means a lot." I reach to give his hand a squeeze, and when I go to pull it away, he takes it back to squeeze too. And that also means a lot.

He tilts his head at me teasingly, earning a groan from me.

Oh, God. I've started something, haven't I? Just kill me now before he makes me regret existing in the first place.

I should really practice, like... not talking.


"Can we pass over that, please?"

He smiles bigger at me. "Of course."

Levin grabs the bag of tacos from the back seat, and we walk up to my door together. I unlock it, holding it open for him. He rolls his eyes at me like I've offended him. I frown.


He doesn't answer me. Instead, he nudges my hip with his to get me away from the door, and then he shuts it behind us. I smile.

Did he really just cop an attitude because I held the door open for him? What a gentleman.


"At least let me grab the tacos." I say, reaching for the bag. He pulls it away from me before I can snag it. "Levin, I mean it. You already did so much."

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