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Finally we can freaking eat. I'm starving.

Those people on the stage just talked and talked, man. I should have taken a longer bathroom break. Kept up a heart to heart or something. Anything to make the wait less excruciating.

Everyone at our table has food already. Everyone but Phoebe.

I frown. "Did you want anything, Phoebe? You're not hungry?"

As someone who struggled with an eating disorder when I was younger, I get paranoid. I get worried for people too easily, even after recovering.

"Oh, no. Thanks. I ate before coming here." She tells me, furthering my suspicions.

Maybe I need to start going to therapy again or something.

"Okay. Are you sure?"

"She eats before coming here because they always mess up her order." Saul explains to me.

Phoeble nods. "Yeah. I had a really bad allergic reaction one year, so I try to steer clear. Thank you though, Cindy. It means a lot that you care enough to ask."

I almost bring up that binge eating disorder that nearly left me with a only a single remaining tooth, but we're all eating. Maybe now isn't the time to unpack that slight trauma.

"Of course. Tell me if I can get you anything. Like water, or whatever."

When did I suddenly want to take care of everyone?

"Sure. I think I'm good, though. Saul has my snacks."

I gasp softly, suddenly very uninterested in the plate of gourmet food in front of me.

"Oh, my gosh. Can I see the collection?"

She smiles, grabbing this mini backpack that looks a little heavy.

"Would you hate me if I ate all your snacks?" I whisper.

Phoebe laughs, shaking her head. "Knock yourself out. I've got more than enough."

I try to reach for the bag she's offering me, but I'm pulled back into my sea by Levin. Frowning, I turn to him.


"Stop it. Eat your food."

"I just want—"

He pins me with a look. It's like he knows every excuse I could possibly think of to get him off my back. Literally. He's got his finger pinching the fabric of my dress as if it's my makeshift leash.

I bite my tongue.

I'm not going to say anything mean or do anything childish. Because, truth be told, I know myself well enough to be sure that I will get hostile.

Slumping in my seat, I get back to eating this meal that is so much less appealing than Phoebe's snack bag.

Fuck this. I want real food. Like, Sour Patch Kids.


The incident with the snacks left me completely cranky.

Levin didn't even let me have any after I finished eating. What the hell kind of crap is that? I think I deserved desert.

I guess he made up with it when he gave me his suit jacket.

During the last hour we were there, that part of my body that has hated me since I was a child set in. I got so cold that I thought my lips were actually turning blue.

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