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It took us two more hours than expected to leave the house because I couldn't stop crying. I was trying to put on mascara, but I just felt so bad for Alexa. How the hell am I going to tell her? And if Levin is the one who tells her, how will he break the news? How will she react?

For the last... Since we got home, I've been playing it all over in my head, torturing myself with this information that just appeared in my face when all I wanted was ice cream. And somehow I got someone's fucked up secret instead.

I'll never look at ice cream the same. You know, I didn't even think it was possible for anything or anyone to ruin ice cream for me. What a dickhead.

What would I tell her? What would I tell Alexa if I got that moment alone with her first? I've come up with several ways as to how she would react. Like, maybe she'd instantly start bawling and she'd run out of the party. Or she'd smack me and tell me to leave.

God, I'm gonna cry again just thinking about it. Levin told me my eyelashes look really good, though. Plus, this mascara costs more than the bra I'm wearing, so I can't.

Me and Levin don't talk much on the way to Chris's place, but as soon as I see all the cars out front, I break the silence.

"Holy shit. This is just a get together? How many close friends does this guy have?"

My boyfriend makes a face. "Obviously quite a few."

We both seem to have the same definition of a get together, and his friend... not so much.

It takes me a moment to realize he isn't just talking about the massive show-up, and as much as I want to joke about it, I don't. He's not in a mood to fully appreciate my nonsense.

He gets off the car and comes around to help me down from the absolute monster that is this man's vehicle. Offering me his hand and shoulder, he watches me so ungracefully hop down from the truck.

I take a moment to adjust the girls and just the dress in general as he shoulders my purse. It's only simple and white, to about my mid-thigh, but apparently he's loving it.

"Oh, my god. Baby... Do a spiiiiiin." He takes my hand, lifting it up to spin me, but I don't move. "Can you give me just one twirl? Can I take a picture?"

I can't help the way I flush. My face is instantly warm and my smile is so wide that my cheeks hurt.

Usually, if he asks for a picture, I tell him no. I'm pregnant. Only naturally, I feel and look like crap 99% of the time, but tonight is different. For the first time in a while, I feel amazing. Beautiful and glorious and magical.

So, I nod and his smile somehow widens.

He grabs his phone and I give him my best smile, all the while I telepathically communicate to him how much I love him.

"The bump looks so good, babe," he tells me. I can hear the millions of times he takes a picture. And it's the funniest thing when he starts directing me. "Sooooo good. Gimme a little pose... hold the belly... You're so fucking h... Okay. We're good."

This is so nice. He isn't embarrassed of me or my baby. He truly wants me as I am, and I don't think there's any better feeling than that.

Once he's done, he pockets the phone and we head inside.

There isn't, like, hundreds of people here, but there's definitely way more than I imagined.

We find Levin's friends rather quickly and we sit with them at the couch. There's only enough space for one of us to sit down, so I motion for Levin to sit. He was telling me in the car that he chose to wear the worst shoes for this, and I don't want him to me uncomfortable.

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