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Hey... This has a fuck ton of trigger warnings. Suicide being the main one

I turn back to Louis... He's looking up at the sky, A small amount a hope in his eyes. I sigh and stand up. I look out into the forest. He stands back up.

"You can go to bed y'know, I'm lookout tonight." I say.

" You trying get me to leave? " He says, giving me a confused look.

" No- i-.... Uhm... I want you to stay but you don't need to. " I say. He smiles at me.

" Cute offer, but no. " He says.

"You need your beauty sleep Lou." I respond.

" I've already got my dashing good looks. " He says grinning. I roll my eyes.

" Mmh sure.... " I say.

"Are you saying I'm not good looking?!" He asks, offended. I giggle. I don't respond.


"Go to bed." I say.

"No." He responds. I roll my eyes.

"Ruby's coming out soon for her shift. If you go to bed then I'll meet you in your room and we can cuddle." I say.

" WOOO HELL YEAH!! " He says excitedly. I smile.

" Go! " I say. He complies and leaves. I blush... He's adorable.

I look out into the forest... Then I look at the broken bottle below me.

"How the fuck am I sober." I say to myself. I sigh and look around... Walkers haven't been nearby ever since that first day.


"Clem!" Ruby shouts.

"Yeah? I'm coming down. I don't use the ladder, I just jump. Ow. 

"Go get some sleep, you look like shit." She says, I roll my eyes. I walk away and towards the side door. I then hear something from the basement...

I approach the doors and pull them open. I climb down... I hear Marlon shouting at someone. Brody?

I walk towards them, towards chaos. I check to make sure I have my knife, I do. I check my back pocket, I still have the gun I planned to give to AJ. I hope I don't need it. I never use it and never even think about it... 

"What the fuck is going on?!" I ask, angry. Brody gives me a scared look, Marlon just seems surprised.

"Clementine! We were just having a little disagreement is all, go back to bed." Marlon says... I don't trust him. Something is off. I lock eyes with Brody. She's fucking terrified. I immediately step between them, my back to Brody. I face Marlon, ready to grab my gun at any second. 

"What the hell is happening. Tell me and I'll go." I say.

"He... He gave away two girls a year ago-" Brody mutters.

" No- I have no clue what she's talking about Clementine. You need to believe me. " Marlon says, slowly losing his cool.

" He gave them away to raiders... They might come back soon. " Brody says,her voice shakey.

" Bullshit! She is a liar! " Marlon shouts.

I back away slightly. He has an angry look on his face 

"Tell noone. Everyone is fine not knowing!" He says.

" No... No everyone needs to know! You don't just give people away! " I say.

" Clementine You wouldn't understand. " He says, angry. He holds a flashlight, every second he squeezes it harder.

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