I never got my license for a reason.

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I sighed, stopping the car. I spotted an old train station and parked a little ways away Incase people were there. I'm not letting some asshole steal it.

I approach the group of buildings, standing at a old bell... It smells like metal. Ew.

I haven't had food in a while... Maybe this place will have something? I first clear out the walkers, easily using the tactic Jane taught me. I walk a building and pry open the door. 

Before opening it, I listen inside. I hear quiet groaning... Fuck.

I push open the door, ready to stab whatever comes my way... Nothing does.

I look around the room and see two walkers, they are sitting together. I approach them slowly, but then realize they are tied down. 

I notice a paper on the ground. I pick it up.

"Please leave us alone, this is what we wanted..." I read aloud.

Who would want to be a walker? That's stupid. I roll my eyes and walk away. I approach another door, this one is far more secure... I would never be able to pry this open.

It needs a key. Maybe those dead guys have it.

I approach them and examine them again. Damnit... I hate being right. One of them has the key ranging out of their pocket. I immediately put stab the walker in the skull. I take the key. 

Should I put the other one down too? No, I'll make him wait for his wife. 

I smile and return to the door, opening it. I look around... It's not much. Fuck. This was my last hope for food. I'm going to starve. Imagine living in a world full of people trying to kill you and you end up starving.

I kick the mattress out of frustration. I look down at it and notice something... A door.

I push the mattress out of the way and open it. I smile when I see the cans of food. I do not smile when a grenade rolls out.

I immediately jump back, kicking to door shut and covering my head. 


I sit up, my ears ringing. Did I... Did I pass out? Why does something feel different. I stand up, balancing myself against the wall for a moment before I run out...

There are a lot of walkers. I quickly dart past them and towards the car. I kill a few  here and there. I open the door and get into the car, slamming the door afterwards. I look around... There are so many. 

Adrenaline pulses through me. I start the car and press on the gas. I try to drive through the walkers. They have surrounded the car at this point. It almost works but then I hit something. I back up... I hit a tree. I drive forward. A walker dives through the windshield. 

The car keeps going forward while I try to keep the walker off of me... I get my knife out and stab it. 

Then I hit something.

I wake up upsidedown. My ear is ringing and I can barely see out of my right eye. I go to feel it. It's wet with blood. I wipe it away. I don't think my eye is damaged... There is a piece of glass stuck right above my eyebrow.

I'll check myself later, I need to keep myself alive.

I unbuckle the seatbelt and fall on my head but immediately crawl out of the car. I look around, hunched and rather decrepit.

I feel like shit and everything is foggy. Walkers approach me, I slowly kill them. I limp from one to the next. I see blood dripping down my arm. Ew.

Blood drips from my nose, I lick it off. It's in my way. 

"Co- come at me fuckers.." I say, my voice raspy.

I'm on the verge of losing consciousness. I keep fighting though... Walkers are annoying. I kill about 10 before everything is almost 100% covered in black dots. 

I follow sounds of groaning, swinging my knife at whatever makes a noise. Fuck- this is how it ends.

I blink rapidly, trying to keep myself awake. My ears are ringing loudly... Every once in a while I can see enough to get a  walker to die.

I then hear someone fly past me, then a thud. I ignore it and keep trying to stab walkers. I'm missing mostly, my once quick and accurate swings are now lazy and slow.

Soon the groaning stops. I wipe the blood out of my eye and blink rapidly. I hyperventilate, tired as hell.

I look around... I see two figures approaching me. 

I hold my knife up defensively, leaning against a tree to keep myself from falling. My breathing is loud and my hands are shakey.

I probably look like shit.... I look at the two figures, my vision is too blurry to process them.  I hold my knife Infront of me, trying to keep them away from me.

I wipe the blood off my eye again. One of them is blonde and kinda ugly... He's taller than the other slightly and has a weird mullet. I bet if he got a better hair cut he'd be hot.

The other is... Well... He's wearing a long leather jacket and is holding something... A baseball bat? It's rather deformed.

The dark haired one approaches slowly, leaving his bat on the ground and he has his palms up as if surrendering.


I look at the girl. She looks fucking terrified. Her eyes go from Me to Marlon to Me again.

We were just hunting when all of a sudden we heard an explosion... Who would've thought we would meet someone new.

I slowly approach her. She wipes the blood from her face.

"I'm not going to hurt you... Alright?" I say softly, holding my hands up. I know I should be the one to approach her with my dashing good looks and my charm. 

She seems unstable... Her balance shifts, then she falls. I catch her, she's really fucking light.

"I uh... Hi?" I say to her. 

"Get... Get the fuck off of me." She mumbles, trying to push me off.

She soon regains her balance, leaning against the tree for support.

"Are you alright?" I ask, worried. Marlon is behind me shooting walkers, he should be able to hold them off while I sweep this girl off her feet.

"Do I look alright?" She asks, wiping the blood off her face again.

"Fair..." I say in response.... How do I help her?

"Do you want help..?" I ask.

She makes eye contact for a moment before her eyes roll back and she falls. I catch her again. 

"Marlon? What do I do?" I ask. 

"Grab her, we need to go!" He says, firing at another walker. 

I nod and pick her up on my back so I can still run. Marlon begins to run along the path and I follow behind him.

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