My Personal Heater

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I open my eyes... I'm being carried. The two boys are running, the dark haired one is carrying me. They soon stop, out of breathe. 

I bring my arms around the boy... He's warm. 

They continue walking.

"Is she awake? I can't see?" The one holding me asks. The blonde looks at me for a moment.

"Yep." He says 

"Hey uh... Don't like slit my throat or something, we are going to help you." The one carrying me says. " I'm Louis. " 

"And I'm Marlon." The blonde one says.

"Clementine... Most people end up calling me Clem though." I say.

"Clementine is a pretty long name, I guess I understand why you have a nickname. " Marlon says.

I keep one arm around Louis and use the other to wipe blood from my face. I look at my hand... It's covered in blood... 

"Woah..." I say to myself.

"What?" Marlon asks.

I show him my hand

" Ew! " He says. I giggle. 

"So.... What's the plan? Like when we get back and all that?" Louis asks.

" We'll get Ruby to fix her up and she can stay with us if she wants." Marlon answers.

"Where are we going? " I ask.

"This old boarding school, it's a good place. It has high walls, a stable gate, a massive building, and a chef." Marlon says, smiling.


" Why does it smell like rubbing alcohol? " I ask.

" I don't smell anything.... " Louis says 

" Yeah, you feeling alright? " Marlon asks.

" I dunno. Probably? " I respond.


" I'm going to go ahead of y'all and clear some of those deadheads. " Marlon says. Louis nods. Marlon runs off.


"So... What are you doing out here, alone?" Louis asks.

" I wasn't always alone... People are assholes. " I say.

" Oh..... sorry" He responds.

I look around, I turn my head to fast and a wave of lightheadedness hits me. I put my forehead against the nook of his neck and close my eyes, trying to calm down. He's warm... Kinda like a heater. 

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I think? I don't know..." I respond, holding onto him with both arms again.

"It's alright, we are almost back. Don't worry." He says.


" My head hurts." I say.

"I'd be surprised if it didn't." He says.


This is awkward


Infront of us is a big building surrounded by a fence.

"Well, this is the place." Louis says, walking through the gate. I look around slowly, there are people giving us weird looks. 

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