team up

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*Joker and Riddler team up*

Jokers Henchman: would you tell me another riddle? An easier one this time?

Riddler, the biggest attention whore to ever whore for attention: but of course, I will even give you a classic one instead of one of my own creation. So tell me my dear *swinging his hands dramatically* riddle me this (another Henchman in the back mutters "he did the thing" in awe) what gets wetter as it dries?

Henchman: uh... no idea... wait! I got it!

Riddler, with a happy expectant smile but bit patronizing: Hmn?

Henchman: is it a songbird?

Riddler, impressed by the stupidity of the answer: nope, I'm pretty sure a songbird just gets dry normally. Also why exclusively a song bird?

Henchman: no idea

Harley: what are you boys doing?

Henchman: Riddles here asked me a riddle

Harley, very excited: Oh! I wanna play, is the answer Eddie?

Riddler confused: you didn't even heard the riddle?

Harley: but am I wrong?

Riddler: yes

Harley: Bummer *muttering* the moment he dosen't talk about himself

Riddler, annoyed: any more guesses?

Joker, coming from a dark corner like a sleep paralysis demon: I have one! What gets wetter as it dries you say? My hands wet with blood as the life dries out of someone else's eyes, HAHAHAHAH

Riddler: jesus fucking christ!? IT WAS A FUCKING TOWEL! it's an easy well known CHILDREN'S RIDDLE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! *looks at who he is talking to* nevermind

Adventure of the Rogues💚💜🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now