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I woke up to see Bible about to kiss my hand. The alarm in his eyes was just so cute I found myself smiling instead. He instantly dropped my hand and apologised, muttering about finding it dirty and whatnot and wanting to clean my hands. Not wanting to make him feel more embarrassed, I accepted his lacklustre reasoning and wanted to sit up for a bit. Bible helped me up and got me a drink too.

"Not sleepy?"

"My wounds are aching so I'm finding it hard to sleep comfortably."

"You always liked to have your back rubbed when you sleep. Do you want me to do that for you?"

"Sure. If it helps. I would like that very much. But wait.. how do you know that?!"

I saw Bible's face change. He looked like a deer caught in his headlights.

"You are either going to tell me the truth or leave this place instantly."

Bible kept quiet for the longest period before he finally confessed on his relationship with me. I just stared at him for the longest period before I finally muttered, "I'm gay?"

I saw Bible's face change. I knew instantly that I had messed up but it seemed abit too late to rectify my words.

"I am. But I failed to realize maybe you actually aren't. I'm sorry for telling you all of this. Don't worry. We are colleagues and friends and that will remain as it is."

"Bible.. no, what I'm trying to say is.."

"It's ok Phi. Its not your fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to have laid this on you. I only told you because you asked. well Phi. Try and sleep. I will be here, just doing my work."

Bible went back to sit on the couch but didn't look at me for the rest of the night. I knew then how much I had screwed up.

For the rest of the month, Bible was there every day without fail. He looked after me unfailingly. The boys came to visit regularly too. On the day of my discharge, I thought Bible would come to pick me up but my manager came instead.

"Where's Bible?"

"He had a last minute work emergency. He had to go. He said he will swing by to visit you tomorrow with the boys."


"Is everything ok between you two?"

"I don't know... I..I found out that apparently we liked each other?"

"What did you say to him Jeff?!"

"I.. I asked him if I'm gay. I was stunned so I..."

"Jeff Satur. Are you stupid or what?! Why, how?!"

"I didn't mean to sound like that. I don't know. I cannot even remember him much less any feelings I have or had for him. I.. am I gay Phi? I don't know."

"Does it matter if you are gay or not? Must there be a label to it? What matters is whom you like. If you had told him that you weren't sure if you had feelings for him, I am sure he wouldn't have been as hurt. He knows you can't remember him. He doesn't expect you to remember your feelings for him. But to wonder on your label, don't you think you are making him feel like he's in the wrong for wondering if he had pushed you into something you prolly didn't even want?"

"Phi..I.. swear I didn't.. I'm sorry."

"It's not me you need to say sorry to, Jeff. Its Bible. But I don't know if he would listen anymore. Bible just looks rough and tough on the outside but by far, he's one of the softest men I have ever met. He's so sensitive, sweet and very loyal and affectionate. You have no idea on how torn he has been this past month watching you try so hard desperately at trying to better yourself physically, emotionally and mentally. He had all these walls up that he let down around you but they have just gone up again, higher than ever."

I kept quiet. I knew I had said something wrong to Bible but was I entirely wrong?  I got ready and left, silent throughout the entire ride, reflecting on my interactions with Bible the entire time. I realized over the past month, I had never once shied away from being myself around him and he had accepted it as it is. I realized his touches didn't frazzle me. I welcomed it. Then why the heck did I react like that? Could I have taken a different approach around it?

I got out of my car and my manager helped me with my bags. I nodded and thanked him gratefully. He just patted my head.

"You are a good kid Jeff. I hope you find your happiness one day."

We went towards my house and I opened my door only to be greeted by the KP boys and my house decorated minimistically with a welcome banner! I was stunned. I turned to look at my manager who just chuckled at me!

I turned to see all of the boys and I grinned but I couldn't see Bible at all. Just then I heard someone call my name. Bible stepped out from behind Mile, with a cake and smiled at me.

I broke out into the biggest smile ever then and I jsut went up to hug him! Mile quickly took the cake before I smashed it in my excitement. Bible was stunned but didn't say anything. He just wrapped his hands around me and patted my head softly.

"You ok?"

"Yea. I didn't see you.."

"I was prepping for this with the boys. I told your manager to fib to you."

I didn't say anything and just hummed. I finally let go of him and turned only to realize all the boys were still staring at me in shock. Shit.

My face blushed outright and I just looked at the floor. Apo just smacked my head and hugged me in joy, breaking up the awkwardness. The rest of the boys joined in, enthusiastically checking in on me.

I turned to look but Bible had walked away to prep the cake for all and Mile went to help him. I just watched as the two of them chatted and chuckled as they got everything ready for everyone. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy pierce through me. But I swallowed back whatever I was feeling and just forced a smile to my face.

But I didn't realize that my glaring expression didn't leave my face at all. 

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